Good Reasons For Murder

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Y/N wrapped her arms around him again and hummed.

"Cheating. Murdering someone without a good reason."

"That's it?"

"Well.....if you beat me with a belt that might do it too." Jimin felt like there was more to these comments then her small chuckle portrayed, so he pulled back.

"So if I murdered someone with a good'd be okay with that?" Y/N hesitated and looked down.

"Did....I know you and Jungkook talked. I know the police talked with you too. Did they tell you about.....finding you?" It wasn't really something he wanted to recall, but he ran over the details anyway.

"You guys tried to intervene and security showed guys were being beaten too...." Y/N was silent and he looked at her. "What am I missing?" She took a deep breath, looking at his shirt like it was the most interesting thing in the world.

"I almost killed him." She said, so quietly he almost thought he hadn't heard right.


"When we found you.....I know how to use a regular belt, I...." She swallowed. "They were able to beat on me because I was choking him, no matter what happened I didn't want him to walk away alive....I was so furious...." She stopped and sighed. " felt like I lost my mind when I saw you. I may not have ever had anything like that happen to me, but.....I know what it's like to be traumatized. Just the idea that you could be put through something so much worse...." Her voice got sterner. "He was going down if I did. And I'm not sorry, I don't regret it. So yeah....a good reason wouldn't do it either if you killed someone." She finally looked at him and he was just staring at her. She couldn't read his face.

"You know how to use a belt. As a weapon." He said blankly. She hesitantly nodded. "Did...." He wet his lips. "...has that caused you any problems? Using your knowledge...."

"Honestly, I've been so focused on you I probably wouldn't notice if anything was triggered." She shook her head. "But I don't think so." She looked him in the eye. "I'd go through everything in my life again, if it meant I could stop bad things from happening to you."

"God, Y/N." This time he wrapped his arms around her, burying his face in her neck. He felt the monumental weight of those words. Sometimes things in life happen that just suck. That we just wish hadn't happened. But everything, good or bad, is a step towards where we are today. It says a lot if someone wouldn't change anything in their life. It means they like where they are now and don't want to give it up. It means they value the person they might be able to help, above all else. It is a sign of internal peace to sincerely say anything along those lines. "Thank you." For everything. For loving him, getting angry for him, being with was more than just a simple thank you.

"And....I'll help you like you helped me."


"Sex. We'll work on it like you worked with me if you struggle. And if we can't....there are other things we can do." Jimin just squeezed her tighter. For the first time in the past couple weeks, he saw light. It would be wrong to say that life would go back to how it was before. But maybe he could enjoy living it again one day.

"I love you."

"I love you too."

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