I'll Hold Her Until You Can

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Y/N didn't get to cry for long. She was the one who spoke the language, knew the culture, knew the system. She called Taehyung and asked him to get a taxi and come to the hospital immediately. She let the staff in the private suite know to let him onto the floor. When Jungkook had been examined, she spoke with the doctor.

"Some bruises but they'll heal in a few days. Same with you."

"What about my boyfriend?" Her voice was neutral but inside she was crying, crying hard. The doctor looked reluctant to speak. But he finally did.

"He has broken ribs, a concussion, internal bruising, severe bruising on his face, it's a shock his nose wasn't broken, he was beaten pretty badly. And...." This was the part the doctor didn't want to tell her.

"And?" She prompted. He sighed.

"It looks like there was a sexual assault attempt." Y/N closed her eyes, taking a deep breath. She'd hoped, she'd prayed that they'd stopped them in time. That she hadn't seen what she thought she saw. "I'm sorry. I heard some of the details when the ambulance brought him in...." The doctor shook his head.

"How....." Her throat was dry and felt stuck so she cleared it and tried again. "How much damage is there? Do I have to worry about physical harm as well?" The doctor shook his head.

"That will heal relatively quickly compared to his other injuries. It's his mental state that is most concerning at this point. The hospital psychiatrist will visit both you and your friend and be available when your boyfriend wakes up."

"Okay, thank you." Y/N nodded, thinking things over. "Can I....can I see him?" The doctor nodded.

"Mr. McCanster requested you be given access to him as soon as possible."

Y/N kept her face carefully neutral when she saw Jimin, covered in bandages and bruises, and hooked up to all manner of scary looking but necessary medical equipment. His hospital room was the best of the best, there was a second, comfy-looking bed in the room and an expensive looking lounge area. She sat on the bed and just stared at her hands, her body feeling like it couldn't decide between going numb and sobbing for all eternity.

"Hey." She only realized Jungkook had come in and Taehyung had come in right after when Jungkook gently patted her shoulder and sat next to her. Taehyung had his hand over his mouth, trying to process his shock.

"Wha....what happened?"

"He was attacked by some assholes." Jungkook said simply.

"What happened to them?" Taehyung's hand dropped and curled into a fist.

"We don't know yet. The leader's father showed up. He's the reason Jimin's getting the best care right now. I called my mom, he and my dad are on the phone right now."

"What kind of a father raises a son to do this to people?!" Taehyung snarled. The longer he stared at Jimin, the angrier he got.

"I don't know. We don't know....we don't know anything. We don't know why they attacked Jimin. We don't know why his father is helping us. We don't know if the guy will even experience consequences...." Jungkook's voice trailed off and he threaded his shaking fingers together in his lap.

Y/N heard everything but said nothing. She felt heavy, like no words could come out of her mouth.

"I'll call the others, let them know." Taehyung left, needing to get out of that room. He had no answers. He couldn't give his friends the answers they needed. But they'd get them one way or another. Jin couldn't leave and Yoongi shouldn't really either, although he would've been happy to drop all his mixing. But Hoseok and Namjoon convinced him to stay behind, in case they needed anything prepared for when Jimin came back. Both booked tickets and left several hours after Taehyung's call.

When Taehyung came back, Jungkook had sprawled out on the bed and passed out. The events of the night had finally caught up with him. Y/N was sitting in the same position she'd been in when he walked in.

"Are you okay?" She barely shook her head and he walked closer, placing a hand on his shoulder.

"The doctor said his mental state is what concerns him the most." She mumbled out.

"You should sleep." He said gently. She again, barely moved her head, nodding. And didn't move any further.

After a couple minutes Taehyung realized that events were probably catching up with her too, both mentally and physically. So he wrapped a blanket around her body, surprised she wasn't shivering in the cool hospital air. He picked her up and carried her to one of the couches, her just slumping heavily against him. She said something but he couldn't make it out.

"What?" He asked, straining his ears.

"I can't hold him." Oh, Y/N. Taehyung closed his eyes, trying not to cry, knowing that wouldn't help things. Getting angry wouldn't help things. At this moment he was the only one who hadn't just physically been through a traumatic event. He needed to at least keep it together until their friends got here. They needed him to be their rock.

He sat down on the couch and rested her head on his shoulder, wrapping his arms tightly around her and holding her close. Just sensing in the moment that she needed something like this, only from someone who wasn't able to do it at the moment.

"I can't either." He whispered. There was more silence before she spoke again.

"Thank you." He gave her a squeeze.

"Pretend I'm him and sleep, okay?" She nodded slowly and closed her eyes, finally drifting off.

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