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The first thing Jin did upon getting to the office was immediately begin looking into his contacts and seeing if there were any strings to pull. But he was interrupted by Y/N's distraught secretary, who was upset at how rudely she'd apparently been treated last night when she called to cancel their contract with Lee Enterprises. Jin couldn't believe his luck. He got everything he needed ready, wanting to talk to Y/N before making any calls. But he needn't have bothered.

"Morning. What's this I'm hearing about the Lee Enterprise contract?" Y/N stern look didn't scare him, but made him curious.

"I canceled it. We can't do business with people who go back on contracts with others." Jin raised an eyebrow as she plopped into her desk chair.

"Who'd they go back on?" Instead of answering, Y/N looked pointedly towards the door. Jin took the hint and closed it.

"The escort I hired? Well he apparently does business with Lee too. He wanted to end the contract I guess and Lee hit him and refused to pay." Jin hadn't been given exact details by Taehyung last night but he'd always figured he could get them later.


"I called him and told him I can't do business with someone who violates that clause I put in our contracts." Jin's eyes widened.

"What did he say?"

"He has the option to do the right thing. I told him if I receive proof we can reconsider the contract." She said casually, turning on her computer.

"Wow." Jin wasn't needed after all, apparently. "I can't believe you did that but I'm glad."

"Someone who doesn't honor small contracts will eventually break bigger ones." Her reason was logical but he knew her enough to know she was mostly pissed off by the injustice.

"How is he?"

"I'm not sure, they weren't up when I left." Jin took a second to process that.


"He called a friend over and they stayed in my guest room. I was worried about him trying to go home in his condition." She admitted.

Jin took his leave and stepped out of her office, still trying to process all this. Everything she'd done was right. And that's what stood out. Because in this world, people didn't do what was "right", they did what benefited them.


Jimin was at home when he heard a knock and groaned, forcing himself up off the couch and waddling over to answer it. He'd been kicked when Lee's guards had grabbed him so even though his lower back felt better, there was still pain in his leg. He had had to cancel his appointments for today and tomorrow, knowing that he could permanently injure himself if he pushed himself too far.

He had a moment of panic when he opened the door and recognized one of Lee's men, but the man stopped him from closing the door and held out an envelope.

"Fee and medical bills." He said in a clipped tone, pulling out his phone and snapping a picture of a stunned Jimin, before typing something out and then turning and walking away. Jimin just stood there, looking dumbly down at the envelope. He slowly opened it to reveal a rather large amount of cash. Damn. What had Jin-hyung said? He quickly pulled his phone out and texted a thank you.

Then he had a thought that made him still. How did these men know where he lived?

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