Entry Eight: My Future Life

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My future life is very important to me because I want to do the right things that would help me in life. Creating new things in life gives me hope and excitement for it. I have been working so hard for my future world and preparing to handle whatever life throws at me.

A lot of people are afraid of the future but I am not because I know that God is in control of my life. Being adopted means you can also plan your future without anyone telling what to do. You get to choose what you get to do and who you are going to be and that's okay. For my future I am hoping that I can have a good life with a husband and with children that are living the gospel.

I think that the future would be exciting I wonder what it would be like because I am curious about what's going to happen in my life in the future. I think a lot of people are curious of what is going to happen in their future. And a lot of people are scared and afraid what is going to happen in their future but you shouldn't be because God has your back and he will help you and guide you to where you need to go. When you stay on the straight and narrow path you will be happy and you will feel grateful and see the marvalous work of God.

You can make a difference in the future, all you need to do is to do it and follow your heart and God. In a religious class I take called Institute, I have learned many things about the gospel and what I want to do with my life. I want to help and serve people like what Christ did while he was on the earth. Christ served the poor and the needy and also the people that was trying to seek the truth and the gospel. I think that I can too.

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