Entry Four: Who I Am

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I have dated a lot of guys before who told me that I wasn't worth it and I listened to them. While I knew I shouldn't have I did anyways and tried to change myself. Now I am talking to people that are in the same situation. All I can say is DON'T ever stoop that low. You are worth it and you should NEVER change yourself because you want someone to like you for who you are. We are all Children Of God and He loves us no matter who we are or what we do. He is the one who created you and he made you the way you are because that is who he wanted you to be. Everyone was born to stand out in their own special way.

I have cried myself to sleep every night because people didn't like who I was. But now that has changed. My current friends remind me everyday that I am who I am and God made me who he needs me to be. It doesn't matter what other people say about you. Surround yourself with positive people. Thanks to my new group I have grown far more than they ever will. Bullies never win because they are not guided by the Lord to do what they do. They are blinded by consuming jealousy. And that's something I will never let control me.

I have become a person who has grown tremendously. Since then I have come to run my own company while still in school and get people from all over the world who wants to hire me because of what I do. They want me for me and my potential contributions to their company. I love what I am doing and I want to make a difference in the world. My goal is to lift people's spirits up and let them know that they are loved. Because when I was living with my birth mom I didn't feel like that. Now I know she thought my siblings and I were nothing it was all about her. If she didn't have it she would take it away from us, even happiness and joy. Our house was full of darkness and pain. Being rid of it is a blessing.

I am the type of person that if you bullied anyone I cared about, you will have to deal with me. Being bullied is awful and I will stand up and defend the defenseless. Bullies just want to pick on the weaker people and that's what Satan does. I will do anything to not have him on this earth because he doesn't need to be here where Heavenly Father's children are.

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