Author's Note

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I want to talk to the people that are struggling with things in their life. I want you to know that I have been where you have been and that I lived through it all. I want you guys to know that I am here always and I want to comfort you in anyways I can so you won't feel alone.

You guys that are reading my story Strangers you know that I have a tough life and that's not everything as some information is too personal to tell. All I want is to have people be happy. I like seeing people happy because it makes me feel good inside. When I was little my life wasn't happy at all but I don't show it because I had someone to look up to and that was my grandma. She was everything to me; she was my anchor in life. It was her that taught me everything that I should know and how to be strong in the face of danger

If you are reading this please don't get up your life, your life will get better but only if you change it and work on it. You know what I have a friend that has a horrible life like me but she changed her ways and she is going to get baptized and adopted to a new family that cares about her and I am so proud of her and what she is doing with her life. You can be like to if you are struggling with anything God will provide a way for you so in the future you can a better one.

I am always trying to make my life better and great but that's not is happening right now I am struggling with a lot of things like with guys, money, how much I am not pretty, and other things but I am trying my hardest to fight it do you know because I know that I am better than what people say about me and you especially you are amazing,and beautiful,or handsome or both I don't care what people think of you, God loves you and He will judge the people that are judging you.

I wrote this story because I wanted people to know that I care about you guys and you guys are special people and I want you guys to know that. God loves you NO MATTER WHAT!!!! I thank you guys that are reading my story you don't know how much it means to me and how many people are reading it.

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