Entry Five: My Perspective on Life

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During my early childhood, I always thought my life wasn't important because I grew up in a horrible home. I didn't care what I did with it and got in trouble with a lot of people. However, now I know you only get one life and it's up to each of us to choose how we spend it. My adoption opened my eyes and allowed me to get my things straight All of a sudden I had focus and goals. It was because of that change of perspective that I was suddenly able to do everything I set my mind to.

Luckily the Lord created a plan for us so we can have some direction in our lives. It's called the Plan of salvation and it basically states: God made us so we can come to Earth so we can have a body and live on Earth so we can learn. His plan is what also allows  for us to have Agency, the ability to choose right from wrong. He gave us a body so we can experience joy in the blessings of our life and have the strength to overcome. Trials are very important in because without those trials we wouldn't be able to grow.
A life on Earth was God's great plan so we can have a grow and have families of our own.

Marriage is a great part of life where you can be given the opportunity to share the rest of your life with the person who you love. Before you know it, your life would be spectacular despite trials. They can come in different ways and in good and hard times in your life. One of the greatest blessings given to us is that when we die we can live in heaven and be with our families. I look forward to it and hope that many will have that blessing.

Life is very important as there are so many wonderful things about it. I'm so grateful that I learned how to love my life now and not wait for when things will supposedly be better. I have learned so many things about what it means to live on Earth and be part of God's plan. The best part to me is that it leads to allowing us to one day be with him and our families in the mansions of heaven. And I know if I keep working I will get there. And you can too.

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