Entry Ninth:The virus

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This year we are having a virus and everyone is crazy about it they don't know what to do about it because a lot of people are dieing. We don't know where it's going to spread next or who is going to die. Kids that were in public schools are now homeschooling and it's hard for them because they never done it before were as for the homeschooled kids they have done it and they are use to it. For the public school kids are doing their lessons online and they do not like that because they are always bored because they don't see friends.

For my family and I it's still boring here at our house because we have to not be around people and other things. It's really boring and there is nothing to do here at our house well except that I get to video chat with friends around the world but still I don't get to see them in person and that's really hard for me.

I think that God has a plan for this virus that we are having because I want this to be over with. God has plans for a lot of things we just don't know what they are and why He is doing it. All what you can do is pray and spend time with your family at home and try not to get it.

In Moroni 7:47, it talks about charity I live charity because it makes people happy and it also makes their lives a little bit easier. That's what the Lord did while He was on this Earth He served everyone even the poorest person and He did it with love. That's what we need to do while this virus is going on if you go somewhere and you see a person on the side of the road and they are asking for food then you should give them some because what if that person was you. What would the Lord do? Should He not care about that person?No He would help them in anyway and that's what we should do when we see someone on the side of the road even if they have flat tire or something you need to help them because that's what Heavenly Father and His Son would have done.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 29, 2020 ⏰

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