Entry Seven: Life After Death

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Life after Death can be a scary concept if you don't know the truth. A lot of people don't know where they are going after death but the members of the Church of Jesus Christ do. We know that death is not the end. It was never meant to be. Our spirits live on and can go to a wonderful place.

I know, thanks to my church, that after I die I know that I will go to a place we call Spirit Paradise. It's a place where those who accepted Christ's gospel and believe in it will go there. They will be reunited with family who also believe and have the opportunity to teach others in a place called Spirit Prison. That is where those who did not know or did not accept the gospel or Christ go. Spirits there will have a chance to learn and people on earth can get baptized for them.

In due time, we believe Christ will come to earth and rule for a thousand years. All the righteous will be resurrected and get to live with him on a perfected earth. Once the time is up, we will all be judged and it will be decided where in Heaven we go. We believe there are three kingdoms in heaven, each with people of varying degrees of righteousness. The valiant and noble people will get to see our Heavenly Father and His Son Jesus Christ in a place we call the Celestial kingdom. Anyone can be valiant and noble if they choose to constantly try to be better.

When we keep making the same mistakes over and over again it's easy to tell ourselves that we are not good enough for anything. But that is not the truth. Satan wants us to think like that because he is jealous that he will never experience true joy and blessings. He chose his path and does everything he can to bring him down with him. Don't listen; don't give in. You have the power to choose who you want to be and how you want to view things.

Even now, after all the growth and change I've experienced, bad thoughts sometimes creep into my mind. They try to tell me that I'm worth nothing and I don't belong here at all. I wish that they would leave me alone but unfortunately I know they never will. However, I know they are not true because our Heavenly Father made us out of His own image and he wants us to know that he loves us for who we are. We should treat ourselves with respect and thank our Heavenly Father for making us. To him, we are exactly what he wants us to be.

We are not perfect and that's okay. Heavenly Father knows that and he will help us in anyway he can. He wants us to come back to his heavenly home so that we can with our eternal families forever. To me, that's beautiful. It's the perfect motivation to keep picking up when I fall and to keep going. And I know that one day I can be perfect. But I can only have that if I allow him to shape me into who I'm meant to be. Keep going and one day you will feel the same and feel of his love.

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