2. Damon Salvatore

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     It was an accident. No one's fault...Okay it was partially (Y/N)'s fault. Reflecting back on the night she realized that she probably should've listened to Damon and not gone out into the woods. At night. On a full moon.

     Being a human in a supernatural world wasn't easy. (Y/N) enjoyed her life, but sometimes she wished that she could be more powerful. This hadn't been a mistake she had meant to make though.

     Just a day ago she had been rescued by the Salvatore brothers and her best friend Caroline from some sadistic witches that were passing through. They had meant to use her as a sacrifice but luckily the three vampires had gotten to her first.

    In a fit of rage Damon had killed the whole coven while Caroline healed (Y/N)'s wounds with her blood. Whenever things like this happened, which was admittedly often, they made sure to use Caroline's or Stefan's blood to cure (Y/N)'s wounds. Neither of them wanted to deal with someone who was sired to Damon.

     After that whole ordeal Damon had become attached to (Y/N)'s side. At first she didn't mind but it quickly became annoying. This kind of stuff happened to her and Matt all the time and no one fussed over him so why did she have to be watched over as if a glass of water would make her implode?!

     As soon as Damon left the room (Y/N) slipped out of the boarding house and wandered into the surrounding woods for a breath of fresh air.

My love, my love
My fearless love
I will not say goodbye
Sea may rise
Sky may fall
My love will never die

     A howl tore through the woods and made (Y/N)'s blood run cold. She didn't realize how far into the woods she had wandered. Frantically she dug her phone out of her pockets and went to call Damon but there was no signal. She looked up into the night sky trying to slow her racing heart but the full moon did nothing to calm her nerves.

     The wolf appeared out of nowhere and (Y/N) froze neither dared to move. (Y/N) barely dared to breathe. Carefully she took a step back and a twig cracked under her foot.

    As if the sound was a signal the wolf raced forward and dug it's claws and teeth into (Y/N)'s flesh. Her scream tore through the night alerting the frantic and worried vampires nearby.

Go on, go on
Go bravely on
Into the blackest night
Hold my breath
'Til your return
My love will never die

    By the time the three arrived it was too late. (Y/N) had lost too much blood and her glossy (Y/E/C) eyes stared at the sky.

     "Oh no." Caroline whispered covering her mouth.

    Stefan froze next to her while Damon kneeled beside (Y/N)'s body. Carefully he picked her up his icy blue eyes watering at the sight of his love the way she was.

     "She still has my blood in her system right?" Caroline choked out.

     "Yeah." Stefan agreed as they both followed Damon back to the boarding house. "Doesn't make this any easier."

     Damon laid (Y/N) out on his bed and Caroline came in soon after to clean her up. Her (Y/H/C) hair spread across the pillow in an angelic halo. Caroline closed (Y/N)'s eyes and nearly broke down in sobs at how dead her best friend looked. Her skin was pale and her lips were blue.

     Caroline changed her best friend into non tattered clothes before calling Damon back in.

     He sat beside (Y/N) and held her cold hand brushing strands of her hair out of her face.

My heart, my heart
My drowning heart
Oh all the tears I've cried
Oh I may weep forevermore
My love will never die

     Slowly the wounds and tears in (Y/N)'s skin began to heal and stitch back together. The blood of a vampire was singing through her veins making her stronger. Making her faster. Her skin began to regain it's color. 

     Damon leaned forwards in anticipation.

     Stefan walked in and silently passed his brother a glass of blood.

     (Y/N) could smell the metallic tang and her throat burned with thirst. She had died and she was coming back to live eternally. Her eyes shot open and she glanced around wildly before they landed on Damon.

My love, my love
My fearless love
I will not say goodbye
Sea may rise
Sky may fall
My love will never die

     He held the glass of blood out to her with his usual smirk. "Welcome back." He leaned forwards and kissed her on the cheek just grateful that his (Y/N) was alive. "Maybe next time you'll listen to me."

     (Y/N) took the glass of blood and downed it. "Don't count on it." She said with a smile her (Y/E/C) eyes glittering in amusement as she returned the smirk.

Sea may rise
Sky may fall
My love will never die
My love will never die

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