15. Tim Bradford

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(A/N: I hate to give these, but I wanted to offer a heads up that I'm pulling names from other TV shows. Like Lucifer and Blue Bloods. Blue Bloods was where I got the idea for this in the first place.)

     "We have to find a way to nail this guy

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     "We have to find a way to nail this guy." (Y/N) sighed flipping through case files looking for any evidence to tie him to the murder.

     "I know, but he's out on bail." Her partner, Detective Dan Espinoza replied.

     "If we don't find anything before Monday, this bastard walks." (Y/N) snapped. "He killed a man in front of his kid!"

     "I know!" Her partner retorted. They were both exhausted from chasing after this guy.

     There had been DNA found at the crime scene. If they could get a warrant to do a saliva test on Raoul Delgado then they could prove he was at the crime scene.

     (Y/N)'s phone rang and she picked it up.

      "Detective Bradford?"

     "This is her. How may I help you?"

     "This is Sergeant Grey." Immediately at the sound of his voice (Y/N)'s stomach rolled and she felt queasy. Had something happened to her big brother? "We have a situation regarding your brother down here."

     (Y/N) sat up in her seat and Dan immediately noticed her change in demeanor.

     "What's wrong?" She breathed.

     "Officer Bradford is unfortunately being held as a hostage by a Mr. Raoul Delgado. He's demanding to speak with you."

     "Send me the address." (Y/N) said immediately going into business mode. "I'll be there in ten."

     "What's going on?" Dan asked as she stood frantically holstering her gun.

     (Y/N) looked at him with wide (Y/E/C) eyes. "He's got my brother." She said before flying out of the station. She bolted to her car opening it in a hurry and slamming on the gas. She flicked the lights on and raced down the crowded streets of LA.

     She skidded to a stop outside of an apartment complex that was surrounded by police.

     "Angela." (Y/N) called easily identifying one of Tim's friends. "What's going on?"

     "We had the building cleared." Officer Lopez informed her. "He's in there alone. We assume our guy took him by surprise."

     (Y/N) frowned studying the building. "Delgado's a low life." She said. "Running drugs. He doesn't want to go to jail. He's trying to negotiate his way out of the corner I backed him into with the only leverage he knows will get to me. He had to of taken Tim by surprise otherwise my brother would've fought back." She looked at a corner window of the third story and noticed a flash of light and the small movement of the blinds. It was a perfect vantage spot. He had to know that she was here by now.

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