27. BAU Team

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     With the BAU being as close knit as they were it was always an issue whenever there was an argument

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     With the BAU being as close knit as they were it was always an issue whenever there was an argument. What made it worse was the fact that this time around it was Hotch and Rossi who were fighting. They remained professional throughout their disagreement but the team of profilers were all too aware of the icy atmosphere.

     Morgan, (Y/N), and Prentiss had discussed what had caused the disagreement at length. They figured it originally stemmed from a case the team had worked a couple of weeks ago. Hotch and Rossi disagreed on what the next step was, causing the UnSub to get away. Luckily no one else had been killed but it was still a painful realization for the both of them to come to.

     "Wheels up in thirty." Hotch ordered ending the meeting in the conference room.

     (Y/N) snapped out of her thoughts and immediately turned to Reid for help. However, he wasn't in his usual chair. He was already out the door practically fleeing the room without a word to anyone.

     The team looked after him in surprise. 

     Looking back on the past couple of weeks (Y/N) realized the young genius had been more moody than normal lately.

     "What's with him?" Hotch asked glancing between (Y/N) and Morgan for an explanation. The three of them were the closest people on the team so much so that Penelope had dubbed them The Three Musketeers.

     "He seemed upset." Rossi added in observation.

     "Of course he's upset." (Y/N) scoffed flipping through the files on her tablet in a poor attempt to catch up on what she had missed. "No one likes it when Mommy and Daddy fight." She paused when the room went silent, quickly realizing what she had said. She looked up with wide (Y/E/C) eyes. "I just, I mean that, I um-"

     Hotch glanced at Rossi the both of them vaguely amused at her comment. "That had never been my intention."

     Rossi offered Hotch his hand and the two of them shook. The icy atmosphere that had been hovering over the team since the last case quickly melted.

     The rest of the team filed out of the conference room preparing to head out for the jet. "So which one's mom and which one's dad?" Morgan asked leaning over to (Y/N) with a grin.

    "Rossi's the mother of course, he cooks." (Y/N) smiled in return. "Hotch just threatens to turn the car around."

     Morgan chuckled at her.

     "I heard that." Rossi called over his shoulder.

     "You're grounded." Hotch added in one of his rare jokes, an even rarer smile on his face.

     (Y/N) gaped at the two of them.

     Morgan laughed nudging her to hurry up causing (Y/N) to scramble after the others to get to the SUV's.

     When they all boarded the jet (Y/N) made it a point to tuck herself between the window and Morgan. It was a good hiding spot from Hotch and Rossi.

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