3. Mikaelson Family

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     "We're hosting a ball tomorrow

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     "We're hosting a ball tomorrow." Klaus announced.

     (Y/N)'s head shot up from the book she was reading beside Elijah. "Why?" She asked immediately. Her confused look turned into a grin. "Trying to impress Caroline again?"

     Klaus shot his little sister a glare.

     Elijah nudged (Y/N) making her go quiet. "It's our annual ball." He corrected.

     (Y/N)'s eyes widened. "Already?!" Quickly she shot up and ran at vampire speed to the foot of the stairs. "Bekah! We need to go shopping!" She shouted up at her older sister.

     "I thought as much." Rebekah said descending the stairs. "You forgot didn't you?" She said standing in front of (Y/N).

     The youngest Mikaelson shrugged sheepishly.

     "We'll be back by the end of the day." Rebekah told their brothers dragging (Y/N) out the door.

     Kol appeared in front of them. "Pick up a bite to eat on your way home." 

     "There's blood bags in the fridge you spoiled brat." (Y/N) laughed slipping out of the door before something was thrown.

     Rebekah and (Y/N) spent the day happily finding the perfect dress and accessories. Being the youngest of the Mikaelson's (Y/N) was the most protected and therefore the most bubbly. She was more than happy to spend the day with her sister and the following day getting ready for hours on end with her as well. By the time they were finished the party was about to begin and both of the Mikaelson sisters looked stunning.

     They both descended the stairs and greeted their siblings by the foyer. As guests arrived champagne was passed around. The music began and couples began to join in the fun of slow dancing and waltzing.

     Both Elijah and Klaus stood near a pillar champagne flutes in hand surveying the crowd.

    (Y/N) skipped over to her brothers happily and leaned against the pillar after one of the songs ended. "That was fun." She breathed. Had she been human she would've certainly been out of breath. Her make-up was done to perfection and her (Y/H/C) hair was elegantly pinned.

     Meanwhile both Elijah and Klaus were glaring at any man who even sent a glance their way.

     (Y/N) swung back and forth on the pillar like a child would. "I'm bored." She announced.

     "It's a party go socialize." Klaus scolded.

    (Y/N) paused and stepped down from the pillar. She took her hybrid brother's champagne flute and stole the last of Klaus' drink. Had anyone else dared to do that their heart would've been on the floor. "That sounds dreadful." She turned and hung on Elijah's arm. "Dance with me?" She begged. She knew that if she complained long enough her brothers would give in and give her what she wanted. Without a doubt (Y/N) was more spoiled than Kol.

     Klaus put his now empty champagne glass down and got a new one beginning to drink it.

     "There are plenty of humans to go dance with." Elijah answered lightly unwilling to dance but also unwilling to let his little sister down. He gently shook his arm free from her.

     "Awww, come on 'Lijah! Just like we used to."

     "Oh bloody hell!" Klaus exclaimed downing the last of his drink. He set the champagne flute outside. "Go get Rebekah and Kol." He ordered Elijah before grabbing (Y/N) by the arm and dragging her outside to the back of the Mikaelson mansion.

     Some guests shot her worried glances with how Klaus had his hand on his little sister's arm. None of them dared to interfere though and quite frankly (Y/N) was unworried.

     When Klaus finally paused they were outside in the garden. From the vantage point he had chosen they couldn't be seen by the other guests.

    When Elijah showed up with the other Mikaelson siblings Klaus pulled out his phone and turned on some music.

     "At least this way no one will see us." Klaus explained.

     (Y/N) beamed happily her (Y/E/C) eyes sparkling. She held out her hands, "Dance with me Nik."

     Klaus took her hands and the two began waltzing. Out of the corner of her eyes (Y/N) could see that Rebekah was dancing with Elijah while Kol watched everyone amused.     

     Klaus spun (Y/N) around out of his arms. The Mikaelson sisters slipped past each other changing partners flawlessly.

     Elijah took (Y/N)'s hand and held it above their heads making (Y/N) spin around and around.

     Her giggle attracted some of the later arriving guests who watched the family in amusement before silently taking their leave as to not get caught.

     (Y/N) backed away from Elijah and sashayed over to Kol grabbing his hands and dragging him into the fray. "Come on Kol! Just like when we were little!" The two of them leaned away from each other, hands linked and begun to spin around and around until they were dizzy.

     The music flowed through the night and the Mikaelson siblings danced for hours hardly acknowledging their guests. Finally the five of them headed back inside. All of the Mikaelson's grabbed drinks to cool down.

     "Thank you." (Y/N) said breaking the silence between the five siblings as they surveyed the crowd.

     Kol and Klaus both wrapped an arm around her as one of the gentleman cast her a sidelong glance. 

     Rebekah and (Y/N) shared a smile.

     It was moments like these that (Y/N) loved. Her brothers weren't known to show sentiment but every once and a while some of their humanity showed through their tough exterior. When this happened (Y/N) was usually there to pounce on it and give them all memories that would last forever.

     "Always and forever." The five said in unison seemingly thinking the same thing. 

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