25. Jamie Reagan (Pt. 2 of #20)

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      "Welcome. It is with gratitude we thank you for your call to service. It's with pride your families and spouses watch you today." Commissioner Gormley spoke to the graduating officers. "And as of today it has become your duty to serve and protect the people of New York, the city that never sleeps. It is your responsibility to remain vigilant. To protect the city from crime, from terrorism, from the nightmares that people aren't ready to face. As you move forward in your new positions be sure to use the tools of everyday life. Honesty, integrity, and excellence. It's with honesty you will gain the people's trust. It's with integrity you will gain your partner's trust and it's with excellence you will succeed on the streets. So ladies and gentleman, graduates of this year's class of 2020. Welcome to New York's finest."

      The stands erupted into cheers as the graduates threw their caps into the air.

      (Y/N) met her family outside nearly a half hour later, fighting her way through the swarms. "Hey!" They all greeted her, strangling her with hugs.

     "We're proud of you, kiddo." Her grandfather, the ex commissioner, said.

     (Y/N) beamed. She was the first female Reagan to wear the uniform. "Thanks grandpa." She smiled.

     "You better be careful." Her mother added sternly waving her finger at her only daughter.

     "Sorry I'm late." Marcus exclaimed rushing up to the family.

     (Y/N) smiled at him. It didn't quite reach her (Y/E/C) eyes. "It's okay."

      Marcus leaned towards her. "Can I ask you a question?"

     (Y/N) frowned, confused. "Yeah, of course. What is it?"

      "Well," Marcus began.

     "Sorry we were late." (Y/N) breathed as she entered the house for family dinner. She tried for a smile despite how nervous she was. "Everyone, this is Marcus."

     Everyone stood and politely shook his hand. "Officer Pierce, right?" Her grandfather asked.

     "Yes sir." Marcus answered.

     The two of them took a seat while the Reagan siblings exchanged looks.

     "Alright, are we ready?" Aunt Erin asked.

     (Y/N) nodded and bowed her head, her (Y/H/C) hair falling into her face. "Bless us O'Lord for these thy gifts from which we are about to receive through Christ our Lord. Amen." She recited with her family. Marcus repeated the words with them. He had, after all, met (Y/N) when they were both running late for service.

     They all dug into the spread of food. Eating in silence. 

     "So, Pierce, when did you join the NYPD?" Uncle Danny asked.

      "A couple of years ago." Marcus answered. "I moved here from California to be with my passing mom."

     "What LAPD didn't do it for you?" Uncle Danny challenged.

     "Uncle Danny!" (Y/N) objected.

     Marcus chuckled easily, squeezing his girlfriend's hand in reassurance. "No, I always wanted to be here in New York."

     Once dinner passed (Y/N) helped with the dishes and her Dad appeared to help her along with her cousin Nikki.

     "So, what's up with you and Marcus?" Nikki demanded as she put a plate into the dishwasher.

     "What? Nothing." (Y/N) laughed.

     "You sure about that?" Her dad asked.

     "I don't know." (Y/N) admitted. "We're happy, but I feel like he's keeping something from me."

     Nikki immediately dropped the dish she was holding unceremoniously back into the sink to lean on the counter immediately entranced in the gossip. "What do you think it could be?"

     (Y/N) shrugged, blushing from the attention.

      Her dad chuckled, "I'll leave you girls to it." He said slipping out of the room.

     (Y/N) grinned and helped Nikki finish the dishes. The two girls gossiped and chatted happily about their day to day lives. Nikki was beginning to plan the venue for her wedding with her fiancee, Sam while (Y/N) had finally finished the process of entering the police academy. She'd start training in a week.

     Jamie went to find Eddie. He found her talking with Marcus in the sitting room.

     Marcus immediately stood up, "Sir, I was hoping to ask you something." He began.

     Jamie nodded for him to continue warily, crossing his arms.

     "I was hoping to get your blessing." He carried on in a rush. "I want to ask (Y/N) to marry me."

      Jamie looked down to Eddie. It would explain why (Y/N) suspected him for keeping something from her. Marcus had saved her that one day. It was hard not to like the guy that treated his daughter like the queen she was.

      Eddie reluctantly nodded her head.

     "And, sir, with all due respect I'm asking for your blessing not your permission we're both grown adults we can make our own choices."

     Jamie offered Marcus his hand, "Welcome to the family."

      Marcus grinned, happily.

     "I know you're a Reagan," He continued. "And I know that your last name is important to you, but I was hoping we could change it to mine." He finished, getting down on one knee in front of everyone and the her family. "So, (Y/N) Reagan, will you make me the happiest man alive and do me the honor of marrying me?"

     (Y/N) stared down at him, her (Y/E/C) eyes watering. "Yes." She beamed. "Yes, a million times yes."

     Marcus bounced up, scooping her into his arms and spinning her around. He slipped the ring on her finger and they shared a sweet kiss.

     The family swarmed them with congratulations.

     Jamie pulled (Y/N) close.

     She looked up at him with a soft smile as her mom appeared on her other side. "You know I'll always be your little girl."

     "We know." Her dad smiled down at her, kissing her temple.

     "You know we'll always have your back." Her mom said.

     "I know." (Y/N) answered, resting her head on their shoulders like she used to when she was little.

Requested by @peetalo. I hope this was a suitable sequel! Let me know if you would like any editing done.

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