Chapter 5: Bringing Me Down

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Clarke pov:
I quickly follow Bellamy outside of the camp but I don't trail him too close. I was just curious of what he'd do. And why he did what he did.

I see him laying down peacefully next to the creek. He looks different from how he looked at camp. The rage was gone, he was trying to relax.

*snap* Really Clark? I mentally scold myself. As I look at the branch I broke. "You can come sit." He says gesturing towards him.

As soon as I sit I spit out a question. "Why did you get so defensive? I thought you would've wanted that 'ego boost'."

His head slowly turns and we make eye contact. Then he dips his head again. And then his eyebrows go narrow.

"Just the thought of me doing that to you makes me sick. The thought makes me hate myself." He never lifted his head. I feel a tinge of guilt. I shouldn't have listened to Finn.

"If I sleep with someone I have their consent. I don't take advantage of them like that."

"I'm sorry." I say as I move positions slightly. "Not your fault." He says and sighs. After what felt like hours of silence he spoke.

"We should go back to camp." I nod. He stands up and then holds out his hand. I take it and stand up. He still has a hold of my hands.

He opened his mouth and it sounded like he thought and analyzed every word before it came out. "I hope you know and believe me that I would never do that." "I do."

"Unless you wanted it." He says and smirks, turning around and walking back to camp. I'm left speechless. There's the Bellamy I know.

"You coming princess?" And I start walking. Just as we got about 20 minutes from camp Bellamy fell and he grabbed me. Bringing me down with him.

Bellamy pov:
As we rolled I hit rocks. A lot. By the time I hit the bottom my stomach, shoulder, legs and ankles hurt like hell. I don't even understand how we both fell down this hill.

Its all my fault. I grabbed her and accidentally pulled her down. "Clarke." I say but she holds up a finger silencing me. I would hug her but I'm afraid I'll never let go.

"I'm sorry." I say. " no it's fine." She says with a hint of annoyance. I then realize the pain in my body.

"Are you okay?" I ask her. "Yea, yea I'm fine." She says and stands up brushing herself off. "Can you um- help me up?" I say the last part quieter out of embarrassment. I use her hands to stand up. Wincing in pain.

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