Chapter 7: We Just Look

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Bellamy pov:
When we get back to camp we get ambushed with a bunch of questions. "Where were you guys?" "Why were you guys alone?" Things like that.

But Clarke just ignores them and goes to her tent. And I do the same and go to mine. I lay on my bed and in no time I fall asleep.

When I wake up and exit my tent it is pitch black. And no one is awake. I can't believe I actually slept during the day. My body is a little sore but nothing more.

There are hardly coals left from the fire. I look up to see a million stars. More than a million.

I have to show Clarke. I slowly pull back the tarp opening of her tent. She's sleeping. She looks so peaceful for once. She doesn't even look stressed when in reality I know she is.

I slowly touch her shoulder. "Hey princess wake up." She starts to stir. "What?" "There's stars out." She groans. "I am not walking out there to see the stars." She says and turns over.

"Then you won't have too." I pick her up and she rolls into my shoulder. I carry her out towards a big rock just outside of the camp. And laid her down on it. I jumped up beside her. "Open your eyes."

Clarke pov:
I shiver at his warm breath by my neck. But I do open my eyes. I gasp. So many stars. I pull the blanket I took from my bed up to my shoulders. I look at Bellamy and he is in just as much aw.

Then I notice he's in a T-shirt. And he shivers. I slowly place some of my blanket on him. He tenses up and then relaxes.

Bellamy pov:
We don't talk. We just look. Soon I feel a head on my arm. And I look down to see her still looking up but cuddling next to my side. I smile.

When the sky starts to get ever so lighter Clarke puts her hand on my arm and says "can we go back?" I nod.

She holds out her arms so I can carry her. I feel her every breath. And it makes my heart race. It just keeps getting faster and faster. I then lay her on her cot. She's already asleep.

Without thinking I lean down and kiss her forehead. I then shoot up. "Oh my god." I say very quietly to myself. I then turn around and walk out of her tent stunned at what I just did.

*The mid season finale was so intense! Like omg! But I'm not really affected by it. I absorbed every Bellarke scene I could.

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