Chapter 17: I Realized He Won

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Bellamy's pov:
"Because I am very selfish. And I want you all to myself. And until you say yes someone could take you from me." I left her speechless. I smile and then kiss her forehead. She then exits the drop ship without saying anything.

I now know how I can get her to say yes. I walk out and see her talking to Octavia. I stand up on this flimsy table we made out of panels of the drop ship.

At this point some people are starring at me. "HEY!" I yell into the camp. Literally Everyone is watching me. "Clarke Griffin." I swallow hard. And I face palm.

"Will you." I breath out. "Be. My. Girlfriend." I say a bit quieter but that doesn't mean everyone doesn't hear me. Everyone hoots and hollers and I hold out my arms and shrug. This is all on her now.

Clarkes pov:
My heart stops. The fact that the Bellamy Blake the guarded, non emotional leader just asked me out in front of everyone. Is unbelievable. All eyes were on me and I realized he won.

"Yes." I say and start smiling. The whole camp explodes with screams and Bellamy jumps down and runs to me and embraces me in a hug. "You hear that? She's MINE." Bellamy yells into camp.

Some laugh and others jokingly boo. And I feel my cheeks getting red. Bellamy then cups my face with his hands. "You are very cute when you blush." And I smile. Then Jasper takes the place where Bellamy once stood.

"Time to celebrate!" The camp screams again. Drinks over drinks are being passed around. People will use any excuse to drink.

I just laugh. Jasper walks and hands me and Bellamy a drink. "Have a little fun." He says and I take it and I drink it instantly.

"Not that much fun." He says and laughs. But everyone is laughing and having fun. "Hey Princess I'll be back soon." Bellamy says and kisses me before he leaves.

Bellamy's pov:
I go to the rock that I took Clarke to a few days before. I put a blanket there earlier so we could lay her tonight.

But I soon heard rustling. "Clarke?" Then I saw red smoke and then darkness.

A/N: yes yes I know I wrote the typical fanfic storyline but I hope y'all will still like it.

I hate when I'm reading a 100 fanfic and then if there's swears people always comment: "that wasn't necessary." Or "to many f bombs." It's like there are 100 teenage prisoners sent unattended to earth. They are gonna swear like truckers.

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