| fairytale |

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"can't you see that im the one who understands you, been there all along so why can't you see, you belong with me" 


It all began during the spring, excitement and longing for summer growing, grade 6,  and Sophie was falling. 

In love. 

With the most popular boy in school, Fitzroy Vacker. 

She barely even knew him, sure. Call it a crush, she didn't care. She was convinced it was love. Real love. Deep, true love. She doodled his name and hers in a notebook with hearts. She waved to him whenever she saw him, never really expecting a wave back. She smiled whenever she made eye contact with him. She wrote love letters and valentines to him every day, a smile on her face as she daydreamed about his dreamy eyes. 

Him, being a popular, hot boy, never really responded then. The occasional wave, the rare smile, one word answers if they ever talked. Trying to keep his reputation intact. Sometimes, though, he couldn't help but break into a small smile when she smiled at him. But he mostly ignored her, still teased her with his friends, and walked away whenever she tried to talk to him. 

Her, being young and naive, decided to give him one of her valentines to him. On Valentine's Day, at lunch, the school watched as she walked up to him bravely, confidently, and handed him her valentine made especially for him, that took her hours upon hours to make, with cute stickers and a homemade brownie. All for him. She smiled and waited for his response, her imagination running wild.

How he wanted to say something nice, something along the lines of thank you, it's a very sweet gift, and smile. The girl wasn't rude or weird, and she was quite ok in general. But he saw his friends snickering, waiting for the rude remark, and being the 11 year old boy he was, he proclaimed, "Why would anyone want a valentine from you, ugly! Go away!" And with that, he threw her valentine onto the floor. With the ok from their leader, the other boys began throwing out comments about her. "You're an idiot!" "You're so ugly even your mom ran away when you were born!" and worst of all, "Why would he ever date anyone like you?!" 

How she wanted to respond smoothly, something along the lines of oh, I didn't know I was talking to a bunch of pigs, and this belongs to someone much more respectable, and walk away. The boys would've been stunned and shocked, and she would have left the best impression. But nonetheless, the teasing comments got to her, and her eyes began to water as she wiped them away, picked up her thrown valentine, and ran out of the room. For a moment, she thought she saw Fitz look guilty, just for a moment. 

But why would he? He was a jerk, and idiot, and he had just stomped on her heart and broke it, breaking it into a million little pieces. 

Then, a couple years later, the fall of grade 9, he and Linh Song announced that they had gotten together. By then, Sophie had gotten over her crush on him-mostly. She still thought he was a mean jerk for breaking her heart all those years back, but she couldn't help but smile whenever he helped a kid who had dropped their books, or surprised his best friend with a locker decoration and a surprise party in the cafeteria on his birthday. She couldn't shake the feeling that he had changed, but she told herself it was only her heart deceiving her, as he still looked, and maybe even more so, incredibly hot. 

It wasn't a huge surprise he had hooked up with Linh. Linh Song was popular, jaw-dropping oh gorgeous, and a completely and utterly innocent, kind facade. She was able to get anyone to do anything she wanted with a  cute face and a promise for a date or a invite to her next party. Underneath, though, she had always bullied the unpopular kids, sneering at them as she and her friends walked away, pushing them in the hallway, and threatening them to not so much as even glance at her current boyfriend. Boys, though, were completely fooled by her act, and drooled over her every day. Sophie almost couldn't stand it sometimes, watching the boys do stupid things to get her attention. 

And Fitz? The general teenage heartthrob at her school. Girls went for him left and right, always asking him if he wanted to go to their parties, a date perhaps, or maybe just a quick make out session, no pain no gain. Fitz, she noticed, kindly denied their requests with a smile on his face. Of course, he had dated at least five girls in the past, but they never lasted for more than two months, and he never seemed very affected by the breakup. 

So obviously they would get together, Sophie thought as she headed into the library. It was the only place she felt as if she could get away. Fitz and Linh were in the middle of a very heated make out outside, and she needed to get away-she couldn't explain the feeling. She knew what this meant, she wasn't as naive as she was in 6th grade. She maybe still had feelings for the teal-eyed heartbreaker.

She opened one of the thick, old, leather books on the shelf and gently opened the cover as if it would break the second it opened. And it certainly looked like it might. She needed a break to sort out her feelings-whether she still liked Fitz or not, and what she would do about it if she did. There's not much I can do if I do like him. Sophie insisted to herself. He's with Linh now, and they're both happy. He already broke my heart once. Don't let him do it again. 

She settled into her book, pushing away her thoughts and let herself sink deep into an amazing book.

It had only felt like seconds when someone sat next to her, opening the book and rustling the pages. She lifted her head, only to be met with stunningly gorgeous teal eyes. 

"O-Oh, hi." She stammered, staring at him. He smiled, letting out a chuckle. "Hi." He said softly. "I thought I'd get in here to escape the drama. Linh's been-you know, how she always is about things. Dramatic." 

Sophie let out a laugh involuntarily. "Well, when you signed up to be her boyfriend, you basically agreed to deal with the drama." 

Fitz nodded, a thoughtful expression on his face. "True, true. Maybe I should have instead gotten her to sign up to be my girlfriend. There would be plenty of requirements-such as don't give me a headache." 

Sophie giggled, and she couldn't believe it. Here she was, talking to Fitz like it was normal. "I'm Sophie, but you might have already known that." 

She saw the pang of realization spread across his face as he stammered out, "Sophie?" He looked at her and tried to give her a smile that came out more like a worried smirk. "I'm....sorry about the valentines thing. You know, 4 years ago." He scuffed his shoe on the library carpet, and  Sophie couldn't help but grin. 

"It's okay. I was stupid and naive then, I should have known that was how a 6th grade boy was going to react." She studied him as his face lit up slightly and he smiled at her. "And anyway, you're not really the jerk-ish evil boy I thought you were." She attempted to joke. 

Fitz grinned. "Yeah, I guess I'm not." 

They talked for a while after. The library lights began to dim, as their library lights tended to do when it became darker, assuming people here wanted quiet time to read or do late night studying. Fitz stood up, and offered her a hand. 

"You know what?" He said as she stood up. 

"What?" She asked tentatively. 

"You wanna go on a  date sometime? After I shake Linh off my shoulders, after all. She did kind of force me into this relationship." 

Sophie gaped at him. "You want me to go on a date with you?" 

Fitz nodded, suddenly looking a little embarrassed. "I mean, I know we've only known each other since, today, I guess, but you're a really awesome person, and I know we didn't have the best first impression of each other, but- I mean," 

He cut himself off, staring at his feet like they were going to give him answers. Sophie smiled, her  eyes twinkling. "Of course, love. I've only liked you since when, 6th grade?" 

He laughed, and then kissed her cheek softly. "See you soon, love." And he walked out of the door, winking at her before leaving. 

She smiled to herself, hugging her book tightly to her chest. This love was like a fairytale, and she couldn't wait to read it. 

this turned out to be much much much longer than i first expected it to be! 

yes, linh is a little ooc, but it was necessary for the story!!! i didn't want to make up a completely new or out of the blue character, so linh was who i went with!!! 

hope you enjoyed this cheesy fluff and ily guys sm <33 


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