|the story of us|

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They first met when both were at the movies. 

They didn't know each other by name, then, of course. 

She remembered his blazing teal eyes, and how it felt like he was looking straight into her soul. 

He remembered her unique deep brown ones, and how it felt like they were the only ones there.  

And then they looked away, going back to their respective duties-but they couldn't forget the other, and wonder if they'd ever see each other again. 


The second time they saw each other, about a year later, she had just moved to his boarding school. 

She walked into his classroom, looking intently at the directions. She looked up, and was met by the same eyes that kept her awake at night, and froze. 

He didn't expect much of the new student, then he saw her. The girl who had been in his thoughts ever since he first saw her. 

She learned his name was Fitzroy Avery Vacker, and she had to sit next to him during science.

He learned her name was Sophie Elizabeth Foster, and he had to sit next to her during science. 

They looked at each other, a silent acknowledgement of having seen each other before. And then they turned their attention back to the teacher, never having said a word to each other. 


She didn't understand why he interested her so much. 

He didn't understand his sudden infatuation with her. 

She learned he had two siblings, Biana and Alden. He lived in the richer side of town. He was popular and outgoing, and certainly didn't notice her. 

He learned she was an only child. She loved to read and went to the library every Tuesday. She was shy and intelligent, and certainly didn't notice him. 

They continued to walk around each other, never actually talking. Smiles were occasionally exchanged, yes, but nothing more and nothing less. 


A month later, the teacher assigned a project, and asked Sophie and Fitz to work together. 

The teacher insisted you got to know your partner, and decided the first day was getting to know them and learn at least three new facts about each other. 

Suddenly, they were forced to talk to each other, and while they had so many questions about each other, had no idea what to say. 

He started it with a confident smile, deciding that putting on his normal facade was going to have to do for now. He introduced himself like she didn't know his name, and asked her name like he had no idea what it was. 

She answered shyly at first. She didn't know how to act around him, not knowing he had absolutely no idea how to act around her either. 

After slowly beginning to warm up to each other, he invited her to the library to work on the project, acting like he didn't know that since today was a Tuesday, she would be going there anyway. 

She agreed, and they parted ways with a smile and an agreement they had no idea they had made. 


 They officially became friends after a week of working on a project together. 

They were walking out of the library, laughing about-at this point, they couldn't remember. 

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