descriptions (sophie)

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hey lovelies! these two description ones might just be my favorites....just saying. and another one based on spacenams tratie oneshots! check those out, just btw! 

shoutout to HalfbloodkeeperBookishBaudelaires, and Marshydood for being so supportive! love you guys ❤️❤️

Describing Fitz.

I really don't know where to start. 

His eyes. Oh my goodness, his eyes. A gorgeous, deep, beautiful shade of teal. Absolutely breath-taking. His eyes are so, so perfect. You could stare into them for hours on end, and never, ever want to look away. They pull you in, hypnotizing you, just making you want more of him, everything about them is just perfect. There isn't a thing I would change about his eyes. His hair. Thick, chocolate brown, soft hair. His hair is better than anyone else's, even Keefe's. It's just so......amazing. I love it. He's also the absolute perfect height for me. My head fits right underneath his, and it makes hugging so comfortable and literally I want to stay there forever. I've talked a lot about his looks, yeah, but they're just so stunning.

I know a lot of people think I like Fitz for purely his looks. And I could understand why, he's absolutely handsome. But he also has amazing qualities that no one thinks to look deeper into because no one thinks they're there. 

He's brave. That's been proven over and over again, constantly overlooked as one of his traits. Alden breaking. My almost-death. Dex's almost death. Biana's almost death. Keefe's betrayal. Alvar. He's been through all of that and is still ok, still going, still living. That's pure bravery, and no one can deny it. He's always able to be there for me, to help me keep going, even while dealing with everything he's going through. And, I'm so thankful for him, so thankful. I don't deserve him at all.

He's selfless. He's always thinking about other people, too. If someone else needs something, he puts them over himself. But he also knows how to think about himself, too. It's an equal balance of both, and that is exactly what makes him so unique. He knows when to think about other people, but also when he needs a break. He knows how to make those decisions, and I hope that someday I'll be able to do that too. 

He always knows what to say. Always. He says the right thing at the right time, and it makes people feel good about themselves, positive, ready to keep going and take on the world. He's made me feel better about everything in more ways than one, countless times. It seems so effortless, how the words slide smoothly out of his mouth and into the air, instantly making you feel better about everything. It's stunning, really. 

He's ambitious. When he has a goal, he goes for it. He knows what he wants and how to get it. He doesn't wait around for something to happen to him. He tries to make his dreams a reality, and it's really helped us beat the Neverseen. Whenever I feel like nothing can be done, and I feel like giving up, he's there with a new plan, a new idea, something that will help us reach our goal. He's willing to sacrifice his own time to help me with my dreams, too, something I will be forever grateful for. 

He's empathetic. He's willing to 'put himself in other people's shoes', as people like to say. He knows what it's like, and steps down to try to help the other person. He understands, and when he doesn't, he never says he does. He tries his best to understand what you're going through, and will try to help in any way possible. 

He's passionate. He stands up for what he believes in, no matter what everyone else thinks. If he believes it, you can't change his mind. In that way, he's kind of stubborn, which can be annoying sometimes, but he can really turn other people's minds around about things. He's got a ton of speeches hidden under his sleeves about what he believes in, the perfect comeback to any reason against his belief. Which brings us to what I really love about him.

His words. Gosh, his words. They flow, join together, create a meaningful message. It shows the world what he means, what he believes in, and how much he cares about it. His words are always perfect, floating in the air, as people watch in awe at how true and passionate he feels about things. He can really express himself, showing everyone how much it means to him and how much it should mean to them. He can turn people's minds around, show them the other perspective of things. Things that are hard to explain seem so easy when he explains it. It makes you feel something, something stirring in your chest and flowing out to your fingertips. It's so.......perfect, and there's really no other way to say it. 

Fitz is an incredible person.  I really don't deserve him. He's just-just-

I guess what I'm trying to say is, I love him. 

omg guys, this thing must have decided to post if you have finished reading it! i hope you enjoyed it, it's quite long because i added on to it when it wasn't publishing and i was bored.

and i have also started "in sickness and in health part 2", so that'll be coming out soon if wattpad decides "hey, i'm going to work today!" 

alright, thanks so much for reading, i hope you felt the sophitz fluff!!

love you guys! 


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