Chapter 1

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~~~~Yagi's POV~~~~

When [y/n] was born everyone knew something was wrong, she didn't cry, she was underweight significantly, she looked so frail and weak, she was so pale, she didn't show any signs of life, I thought she was gone, until we heard a faint whimper, I look up and see her colors where coming, and she let out the loudest cries, I was so scared, I thought she was for sure gone...

.....I didn't want to lose her the same day I lost my wife

All the doctors sighed out of relief, I couldn't help but cry from pure joy and happiness, I felt so relieved, I held her bringing her up to my head, she was so beautiful, a spitting image of her mother, it made me cry even more, from her [h/c] to her [e/c],

I gave her a bottle then I cradled her until she fell asleep, I can't help but worry about her, she was so tiny compared to the other babies, I felt so overprotective of her

"I'll make sure nothing bad happens to you"

~~~~Time Skip Five Years~~~~

When I took her to the doctors, my worsts fears came true, the doctors had confirmed she is quirkless, but that doesn't stop her from smiling

"[y/n] say daddy, come on" after five years she still hasn't spoken to anyone, not even me... not a single word, it was difficult for her to walk, since she so weak and frail, but she smiles, that's what I love about her, even though everything is so difficult for her, from eating to even needing a machines to help her breath, she giggles and laughs....

I just wish that she can tell me what's wrong or what she is thinking, but no matter how much I try she doesn't say a word...

~~~~Time Skip Ten Years~~~~

[y/n] has grown a bit stronger, she still very weak, but she is at a normal weight though she still very small for her age, she is fifteen but four foot seven, that's so small

"[y/n] guess what" she looks at me and waits for an answer "I'm gonna be working at U.A" she lightly claps and smiles "I was wondering, maybe you can come along and socialize with the other students, you can do all your school work at the teachers lounge and after your done you can go with Uncle Aizawa and maybe hang out with the kids"

She looks down maybe thinking about it, then looks up with a smile and nods "great, also I found the perfect person to inherit One for All, since you didn't want it, I gave it to a boy named Izuku Midoriya" she again claps her hand

It's been like this ever since she was born, not one word, just smiles, laughter, and clapping, I just wish she can at least talk a little bit

"We have to wake up at around six-thirty, so be ready" she nods her head and went to her room, I sighed out hoping the class would open up to her and make her socialize more... maybe even making her talk for once

~~~~Time Skip Next Morning~~~~

"You'll be staying here until you finish work, have a good day okay" she waves goodbye and I leave, I was a nervous wreck, thinking every possible mishap she can get herself into, what if something bad happens and I'm not there to help, or if she gets into a accident and I come too late, or maybe she can fall and break something, what if-

"Your sweating like its over a hundred degrees in here" Aizawa cut me off from my thoughts

"O-oh, I'm sorry"

"Your worried about her, aren't you" I nodded my head slowly, he sighs out and looks at me "I can watch her with my class" I look at him hoping he is actually considering this

"Really, I mean don't you think-"

"She won't be a distraction, she hasn't spoken a word, I don't think she'll distract anyone"

"Thank you" I quickly run back to the teachers lounge and find her doing her work peacefully 'Maybe I was wrong, but just in case I want her to be with Aizawa' "[y/n] you'll be with Aizawa from now on, you think you can handle the class" she nods her head and picks up her books and papers, then she heads out

She gave Aizawa a light hug and follows behind him, she laughs as she sees him go inside his sleeping-bag and wiggle his way towards his classroom, I sighed out not having to worry about her anymore, she's in good hands...

... For now

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