Chapter 31

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"What? What do you mean you can't do this anymore, I thought we had something, is it me?"

"No, I've been working with the league of villains" his eyes widen "so I can't go back to U.A, I can't look at them in the eyes knowing I betrayed them, and now I can't go back to the league of villains since I did the same, I'm sorry but I can't do this"

I wiped some tears away and looked at him with a smile "so, Katsuki, promise me that you won't do what I do, when I'm gone, I want this, and I don't want you doing the same thing because I did it, you'll find someone else, someone better, so please, just be a hero for my sake, and take care of everyone, and tell my dad I'm sorry, and that I love him" I leaned in kissing him one last time

"[y/n] please... please don't leave me, it's not worth it, stay with me, I love you... I'm sorry for not saying it as much but I love you so damn much" I run off not looking behind me

"[Y/N]! WAIT!" I hear his footsteps behind me so I ran faster trying to lose him

I hear him using his quirk to come at me fast so I did as well, using the tentacles to climb buildings, but he's fast, and is on my tail

"[y/n]! Please just wait! Let's talk it out!"

"There's nothing to talk about-" I slammed into someone and fell back "shit!" I had my eyes squinted but the persons figure became clear "... Aizawa"

And I made a run for it, I now here double the footsteps

'This is bad, now Aizawa is on me, great, just what I needed-' I felt something grab onto my ankle and I tripped tumbling for a bit before getting up quickly

I see him aim his scarf at me but I dodged and grabbed onto it yanking it towards me, Aizawa falls forward and I take this opportunity to kick him straight in the jaw

"I'm sorry! But I don't want this anymore! I can't handle anything anymore"

"[y/n] what is the meaning of this, I thought you died!?" Aizawa looks at me, shocked, confused, scared, sad... and I looked at him just tears pouring out

"You know what... I wish I was dead right now, so I don't have to deal with everyone's bullshit!"

"[y/n], please, just let us help you, I know your scared and confused, so am I, but please, for the sake of all of us, come back" I laughed and shook my head as I wiped my tears

"Really? You will take me back, after I revealed the U.A secrets to the league of villains, for months now I've been working with them, All for One and Shigaraki, I told them everything"

"You didn't"

"Oh but I did, so what's the point! Huh! I can't go back to you guys! And I can't go back to the league of villains! Everyone hates me, and now they probably want me dead, so I'm gonna go and do what everyone wants me to do, and just die" I walk off shaking my head slowly

"No!" I turn and see Katsuki shaking his head as well "no I don't! I don't want you dead! I want you to be by my side! I don't care if you where with the league of villains! I don't care if you mess up! Everyone does! No one is perfect! Not me! Not Deku! Not even All Might!" I just stared at him

"If I cant handle my mental state, I don't believe you can handle with my mental state either, if I don't die, I'll keep trying, and trying, and trying, until I get what I want" I stood at the edge of the building

"And don't kill yourself either, I'll be going straight to hell" I jumped down and made my tentacles land me safely

I then ran to the league of villains base, but I snuck in, wrote a note to Toga, and then left

I then made my way to my house, snuck in again, I grabbed rope, a stool, then wrote a note to my dad, and looked at the final painting I did for the class, as well as Hitoshi, there I wrote a letter, saying sorry to them

For the special people in my life, I sent there letter in the mail, away from my house

I went towards the woods, and found a nice big oak tree, I tied it around and made a noose, I stood on the stool and put it around my neck

I looked at the moon, just admiring it

"Guess this is goodbye"

With one kick, it was over

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