Chapter 4

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I was nearing the end of my book when I hear the bell ring signaling it was the end of school, I put the book mark in and went back towards the teachers lounge "[y/n] what happened, Aizawa told me you left and you didn't look so happy" I gave him a bright smile "[y/n] you need to show me when there's something wrong" I just kept smiling and fiddled with my thumbs "[y/n]! What happened to your arm"

I shrugged my shoulders, and he sighed out "did a student do this" I nodded my head slowly, but smiled showing I was fine "next time don't leave Aizawa's sight, I don't want you to get hurt, okay" I nodded my head and we began to walk out

It was always like this 'don't do that you'll get hurt' 'don't go anywhere you'll get hurt' '[y/n] be careful you'll get hurt' I'm so tired... I don't want to live a life of having to be watched 24/7, having people tell me what not to do, I want to live a normal life, where no one is different and everyone is all the same...

"[y/n] watch where your going you'll get hurt" 'There it is again' I look down at the flight of stairs, I made my way down with my dad next to me, he was in his hero form, we quickly made our way to the car and went home

I sat on my bed and started to stitch up an old teddy bear, my dad told me this belonged to my mother, he said that she got that when she was a baby from her grandmother, so I always took care of it and made sure it was at top condition

I look over to my phone that buzzed on my nightstand, I walk over to it and looked at the notification

'[y/n] Yagi with pro hero Edgeshot

In today's news we witness yet another hero looking after All Might's daughter, we talk to local citizens as to what they think of this

'Why does she need to be watched by heroes, she can defend herself like any normal quirkless people'

'Edgeshot has more important things to attend to than to babysit a fifteen-year-old'

"Well a lot of villains are after the poor girl, I guess it's the right thing to do'

Most people believe that what they are doing to protect All Might's daughter is a bit too much, but maybe it's for the better'

I shut the phone off and went to bed, it's always been like this, people always say rude things because a pro hero is out watching me while I go out in public, they believe it's doing to much but believe me...

... I want to be left alone

But my dad always sends a pro hero to watch out for me like I'm some sort of baby, I can't help but drop the smile, 'how long has it been since I last stopped smiling, a month... maybe three...' I hear the door open and put a smile back on

"Hey [y/n], just came to give you your breathing mask" I put it on then turned the machine on, I can feel the steam going throughout my lungs and felt a bit relief, I laid my head down then fell asleep

~~~~Time Skip Next Morning~~~~

I stretched my body out, removed my breathing mask, turned it off, and went to get ready, I only ate a bit of cereal before poring the rest down the sink, I washed my bowl then put it in the dish washer

"[y/n] come on, we want to leave before any news reporters gets to the school" I quickly grab my bag and went inside the car

After about a few minutes we made it inside, there wasn't any news reporters since we got here early so we avoided any chaos, I went inside the teachers lounge and did my work, I was tired since my dad made us leave so early so when I was about halfway done with my school work I fell asleep

"[Y/N]!!" I shot up from my sleep and look around, I see my dad holding his chest like he's having some sort of heart attack, I look at him waiting for an answer as to why he screamed "don't fall asleep, you can't breath while you sleep remember, your lungs stop functioning because your brain doesn't send waves throughout your body"

I forgot that happens, I smiled rubbing the back of my head, I continued with my work before going outside the teachers lounge, I look to my side and see Izuku with a sad face, I smile waving at him then went to the bathroom

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

"[Y/N]!!" 'That sounds like All Might's voice', I made my way to the corner and he looks like he had some sort of panic attack "don't fall asleep, you can't breath while you sleep remember, your lungs stop functioning because your brain doesn't send waves throughout your body"

'How can [y/n] go through so much pain, and yet still smile... is she really smiling?' I can't help but feel bad, I look up and see her smiling and waving at me before going to the bathroom

'I wish I can do something for her'

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