Chapter 32

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~~~~Bakugou Katsuki POV~~~~

I spent all night looking for her, I called everyone telling them what happened and they started to search, then police got involved when me and Aizawa told them

But she was no where

No matter how loud I shout her name, or how many people are looking, we can't find her

And soon, we just gave up, hours of searching and there was no trace

But the next morning just killed me

All Might came in, a note in hand, a canvas in the other, not smiling, and was shaking

"[y/n], she wanted me to read this note to the class, and give you guys this as a present" he cleared his throat and looked down

'Dear Class of 1A,

I'm sorry. I'm sorry for all the trouble I've cause you, and betraying your guys trust, I deserve what I'm about to do. I saw you guys as family, and you never treat family like crap. So by the time this note gets to you, I'm gone.
I just wanted to say that don't go blaming yourself for my misfortune, it was my decision, I couldn't handle the reality and needed to escape, and one way to do that is to just... leave for good.
I wish that I was stronger, but I wasn't, I couldn't handle the media and everyone judging me, I just wanted it to end, I'm weak, and I know it, I was constantly beat down, and at one point I snapped, and went to the league of villains to escape the harsh words and reality of humans.
I've come to see that I made mistake, and I should've asked for help, but once I got to know the people of the league I've realized that we have a lot in common... people have judged us because of what we looked like from appearance, some may say weird, or they just down right hate us for our quirks, or no quirks at all.
As you can see that was my problem from the beginning, and it progressed to get worse, and I couldn't take it
So this is my note, and I'm here to say sorry, and goodbye, I love you guys, take care, and be the best heroes you can be
...... Love, Yagi [y/n]'

We all stayed silent, I looked around and see them in tears, I felt my cheeks where wet, realizing I was crying

I wanted to scream, I wanted to just throw things across the room, I needed to lash out, but I stayed still, silently crying

"D-did they..... did they find her body" I said, he shook his head "then she might still be out there, we won't know until we try, she faked her death once, she might've done it again"

"K-Kachan, she left us a note"

"So!? That doesn't mean anything!"

"Bakugou, where still searching, but no luck so far"

"Fine! I'll fucking find her myself!" I stormed out but All Might and sensei held me back

"Bakugou, you need to stay back-"

"Stay back!? Why would I! If anyone loves her its me! And you guys! We should help find her instead of sitting around! She's your daughter for fuck sake! And aren't you supposed be her uncle! What kind of people doesn't search for there family!? Even I wouldn't go that low! I sure as hell don't like my mom but family is family! The person you love and care for is family!"

I snatched my arm back and ran out of the school

I wanted to find her, there could be chance she's alive

I ran until my lungs gave out, I didn't know where to start, she could be anywhere



"Hey wait up!"

I turn to see the class running towards me

"Hey! Your not the only person who cares about her, were all family" Mina yelled

"Yeah! If she's still out there wandering around where all gonna find her, now come on!" Kirishima ran as well as everyone else

This gave me a sense of hope that she might have changed her mind last minute

'Please for the love of god, be okay'

~~~~Time Skip Third POV~~~~

As time passed they all began to lose hope

They've searched everywhere, but still no trace yet again

Them being at the lowest point they all where about to leave, but news came in, and it wasn't good

Near the woods, where kids where walking, they found what might be [y/n] hanging from a tree, the looks on their faces says it all




And downright depressed that there friend who seemed so happy and calm was found to be dead

Some broke down crying

Some where hiding there tears

And one was found screaming in agony as the person they loved was no longer gonna be by there side

Once the news spread once again, Hitoshi found himself clutching onto the suicide note, his face stained with tears as he looks up to the painting you spent hours on

You had painted a picture you took with him and Bluejay

As the week passed the funeral came closer to each day, they couldn't bare to see your lifeless body

But they wanted to pay there respects, they wanted to say goodbye one last time

So with every fiber in there body, they bid there farewell

Many tears had fell, many people hugging each other

They couldn't understand why

Why would you do this

Why didn't you ask for help

Why couldn't they see that you needed so much support, there had to be sign, so how come they couldn't see them


Because of that smile

Who knew the sadness

The anger

The cries for help

Where..... Behind Her Smile

Behind Her Smile ||Bnha x All Might's Daughter||Where stories live. Discover now