Chapter 26

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

The class decided that it will be a good idea to swim in the schools pool, but since I came here often I had my own bathing suit, which I didn't like anyone seeing me in it

But the girls convinced me to wear it, so I slowly and painfully walked outside "come on [y/n], where doing stretches" Ochako dragged me and I see them reach for there toes

I slowly shuffle backwards, and sat down at the ledge of the pool, the pool had a deep side, and it is really deep, probably twenty feet, but I mostly stayed near the kitty side, because I can't swim

I know, I suck, how can fourteen year old not know how to swim, I mean no one taught me. You think my dad had the time to teach me, no. So now I live in fear of drowning

Everyone started to swim while I just sat there with my legs in, I was looking at them playing and everything, and I smiled softly

"Hey [y/n], you don't mind getting us some soda" I look over to Kirishima

"Oh, yeah I'll get some" I get up and made my way to the lunchroom, I had a towl draped over my shoulder as I walked into the kitchen

I went into the fridge and got the sodas "hey what's a pretty girl like you looking like that" I flinched and slowly turned to see a blond boy with blue eyes

"G-getting soda for m-my friends" he walks closer and I step back

"Hey, aren't you All Mights daughter"

"Y-yeah, I-I am, why"

"Nothing, just hadn't noticed how cute you are up close, my name is Monoma Neito"

"Oh, well nice to meet you" we shook hands and as I was about to leave I felt his hand go on my shoulder

"Ah Ah Ah~, now wait a minute, I'm not done talking to you yet"

"I-I'm sorry but I really need to-" he puts a finger on my lips

"Shhh, let me just admire those cute plump pink lips of yours" I was freaking out, he got closer to me until my back was up against the wall, his face was inches close to mine, I froze in fear as I felt his lips press up against mine, he backed away and smile "just as I thought, super soft" and he walks away

I just stood there, face pale and mouth hanging open, I slowly walk away and made my way to the pool "oh [y/n] thanks for the..... hey are you alright, you look pale" Kirishima looked at me with concern

"H-he kissed me" he looked worried now


"M-m-monoma" his face grew angry

"What!? Monoma!?" everyone looked at us

"Hey what's going on" Katsuki made his way "why did you scream that bastards name"

"Because that bastard kissed [y/n]" his face was indescribable

"I-I-it's okay, I'm f-fine" he walks past me and I freak out 'he's gonna kill him, he's gonna kill him.... oh he's definitely gonna kill him' "Katsuki, I-it's okay, I'm f-fine, please don't fight him"

He was breathing heavily, I held onto his arm holding him back "whoever dares kissing my girlfriend will fucking pay! They don't get to get away with it, not on my watch!!" he storms off and I began to panic

"Sh-Shoto, Kirishima, can you guys make sure he doesn't get into trouble" I asked them with pleading eyes

"Don't worry"

"Yeah we'll watch him" they walk off and I began to control my breathing, I sighed out thinking of what he might do

"I shouldn't have said anything"

A/N: Yaaaay finally updated!! My thumb is a lot better, and sorry for taking so long, I've been playing Animal Crossing New Horizon and if you've been seeing what I comment on my board I've been struggling to get Raymond...

I ended up with Judy instead ;-;

But I'm still trying to find him... one day I'll get him

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