Chapter 3

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~~~~Aizawa's POV~~~~

"BAKUGOU KATSUKI" I was beyond pissed, I turn away for one second and he's using his quirk on [y/n], she didn't even do anything wrong, what can she do that's so bad "get over here now" he slowly let go of her and walks towards me "detention after school, one whole month, don't speak to me, don't you ever get close to her again or you will be expelled without hesitation" he had the look of shock and I quickly made my way towards [y/n] "are you alright"

I see she has a burnt mark on her arm, she looks up and nods while smiling "your not, go to recovery girl and get that fix" she walks away towards the nurses office, I sighed out pinching the bridge of my nose, I look up activating my quirk "whatever you guys do, do not bother her, you don't know what she's been through"

They all gulped and nodded there heads, I deactivated my quirk and rubbed my eyes

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"Oh dear, let's get that fix" she kisses my burned arm then wraps it with bandages, I bowed down as a sign of thank you, then left, I was just wondering around not feeling well about the first impression of the class, but I'm willing to keep going along for the sake of my dad

I was so deep in my thoughts that I wasn't looking to where I was going, and I ended up bumping into someone's chest, I look up and see a purple haired boy looking down at me with a tired expression, he seemed to be waiting an apology but I just bowed down and went on my way

"Aren't you going to say sorry" I turn around and showed him my soft smile, I bowed down again and look back up to see a light tint of pink on his cheeks, I waved goodbye and left

When I open the door to the class I see everyone's eyes looking at me, I wave and went to sit at Uncle Aizawa's desk, I opened a book and minded my own business

~~~~Izuku's POV~~~~

She looks fine, I'm surprised... usually girls will run away crying but she still has that soft smile, I've heard a lot from her on the news, everyone knows she's quirkless, so she's very vulnerable to villains, especially since she's All Might's daughter

Most of the pro heroes keep an eye on her, she's always accompanied by a pro hero whenever she's out in public

I have to admit she's cute, but she doesn't talk so I don't how she'll react or how she can show if she likes me back, she always smiles so if I tell her my feeling will she just smile and nod or will she have a reaction and accept my feelings

I look over to Kachan and see him about to snap any second "fucking bitch thinks she can do anything since she's All Might's kid, well she has another thing coming" he looks at me and I quickly look away down at my paper

One thing has been bothering me, why does she smile if she's getting hurt, is it to show them they can't break her, or is she hiding her emotions, it's been running around my head, she looked like she wanted to cry when Kachan used his quirk on her, but all she did was smile, her usual soft smile

I can feel someone staring at me, I look up to see her peeking from her book, she quickly looked away, I can feel my cheeks getting hot, we heard the bell ring signaling it was lunch so I packed my stuff and headed out

~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

'Is he the boy that my father passed his quirk to, he seems nice' I get up and tugged on Uncle Aizawa's shirt and he looks at me "is there something you need" I pointed out the door where everyone was leaving "you wanna go to lunch with them" I nodded my head, he took a moment to think about it "go ask your dad first"

I walked out the door trying to find my dad, I see him in his normal body in the teachers lounge "[y/n]! How was your day with the class" I hid my hand behind my back and nodded while smiling "good to see your getting along, wanna eat lunch with me" I pointed at the door where the kids are walking out "ah you wanna go to lunch with the other students, go ahead if anything I'll be right here" I hugged him and left quickly

I look around and see the green haired boy sitting along with a brunette and a blue haired boy, I walk and waved at them "o-oh [y/n] what are you doing here" I sat down and brought out my lunch

"She wants to eat with us" the blue haired boy said, I nodded and ate "here let us introduce ourselves, I'm Iida Tenya, Izuku Midoriya, and Ochako Uraraka" I waved at them and heard something crash, I look behind me and see the ash blond haired boy from before, he storms towards my direction and I waved at him

He didn't have the most friendly face, if I think about it he probably never had a friendly smile, he roughly grabs the collar of my shirt and brings me up to his face "now listen here princess, you really think you can stick up your snobby little nose like you own this damn place, we'll you have another thing coming" he pushes me to the ground and had explosions coming out from his palms

"K-Kachan! Stop, why are you doing this!?" Izuku stood in front of me, I get up slowly and brush the dust off my skirt, I gave him a smile and wave goodbye, I lost my appetite so I went back to Uncle Aizawa's class and continued my book

"[y/n] you okay, I thought you wanted to eat lunch with the other students" he said, he looks closely at my eyes "your sad, what happened" I waved my head 'no' "what happened" I sighed out, and waved my head 'no' once again, I gave him a smile and took my book somewhere else...

... I just want to be alone

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