Chapter 27

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"You okay Katsuki" I look over and he had a scowl on his face along with a few bruises, he ended up tracking him down and had an intense fist fight with him, Kirishima and Shoto where able to separate it after a whole five minutes of them just brutally hitting each other

He said nothing so we kept walking back to his house, I was silently waiting for him to scream at me when we got to his house but he said nothing...

I sighed out and noticed a note on the counter "out running errands, be back in a few hours, xoxo Mitsuki and Masaru" I mumbled to myself

But it was enough for Katsuki to hear, out of nowhere he just jumped me from behind immediately biting and sucking onto my neck, he pushes me up against the counter, my hands supporting me from almost falling

"K-Katsuki! What a-are you doing"

"Claiming what's mine!" he grinds against my ass while continuing to give me hickies

"Katsuki, n-not here though"

"Fine" he lifted me up and carried me to his bedroom where he proceeded to toss me onto the bed "hope your goddamn prepared cause I'm gonna fuck you until you can't walk"

"W-wait!" I yelled at him as I sat up "can we just talk, I feel like this relationship is nothing but sex! Are you... are you just using me to get your sexual frustration out" I asked him seriously

"What? No, I fucking love you, alright"

"Well if you love me then where not doing it today" he was grumpy now


"No buts! Where just gonna talk and watch a movie" I walk to the door and grabbed Bluejay "now let's pick a movie out" I was scrolling through Netflix when he just suddenly hugged me from behind

"Is there something on your mind?" I looked down but quickly shook it off


"Yes there is, it's nothing about me is it, there's something wrong" 'am I that easy to look through' I shook it off again

"I only said this because I'm tired today, so there really isn't anything bothering me" I looked back at the tv "also you looked angry and I knew what was coming"

"I have reason to be angry, but I don't know why your angry"

"Who said I was angry"

"There's something on your mind"

"And how do you know" I looked at him

"Because when something is on your mind you either twiddle your thumbs or bite it"

"When's the last time I did that"

"It's such a habit you don't realize your doing it right now" I looked down and lo and behold I'm twiddling my thumbs

"Goddammit" I looked down in defeat

"Soooo you gonna tell me?" I was reluctant but since Katsuki was being a softy at the moment I just spilled it out

"I-I miss my dad..." he looked at me wanting to continue "that's really all, I've honestly been a big dick to him and now it's all crashing down on me"

"Well then go to him, if your the dick in this situation you should be responsible for taking action then to be all sad and depressed about it"


"Nope! Go to him and apologize, like a person once said to me 'no buts'" he gave me a smug smile

"Bitch" I mumbled "fine, I'll go and apologize, what time is it?"

"Seven, you can go now, it's not too late" I put a sweater on and walked out "take care of Bluejay for me"

"Alright" I walk down the sidewalks and not even twenty minutes in it started to pour down on me

"You have got to be kidding me, what is this a dramatic movie or something" after about maybe two hours of walking I was on my street soaked and probably gonna catch a fever after this

I got to the gate and looked ahead, my mind was racing to the worst case scenarios that I ended up just walking away without saying anything "it's best if I just leave now, I'll just hurt you more in the future"

I walked into the alley way where I made my way to the league if villains "hey [y/n]~!" Yoga jumped into my arms like usual "how come your here, and wet, plus training isn't until tomorrow"

"I've decided that... I'm staying here permanently, I don't plan on going back" I said

"Really!? Yaaay! I have a roommate!" she then dragged me to her room, and I wasn't surprised to see knives everywhere, some where even coated with blood "oh don't mind those, I killed someone recently, that's all"


"You can bunk with me, though I may like knives I can snuggle!!" I hear footsteps and look behind

"Or she can bunk with me, I don't mind"

"She's taken Dabi!" she hugged me protectively

"And who is she taken by"

"Isn't it obvious she has a boyfriend"

"I thought she only dated him because where trying to get him on our side, there's no love in that relationship, well she doesn't love him"

"Well.... do you love him [y/n]" I just stared at the wall

"Damn my life is fucked up"

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