Chapter 12

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I've never liked violence, so with every sports festival that comes I'll usually just stay in the teachers lounge, no matter how many times I tell my dad I don't wanna come, he makes me go anyways, so I'm always stuck in a room with a book, but today I think I might see the one on one battle, just to see who wins

Plus I promised Hitoshi and Izuku I'll cheer for them, so for now I'll just read this book until Hitoshi and Izuku come up, we'll if they win, I have faith in them

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

I walk out and went towards the arena where they hold the one v one battle, I see that Hitoshi and Izuku goes first '... oh..... great' I promised both of them that I'll cheer for them, so this is not really good

I walk up where the class was sitting "hey [y/n], what's the matter you look stressed, is it the test" Kirishima asked

"N-no, it's just I promised I'll cheer for Hitoshi and Izuku but, there both going up against each other"

"Oh that doesn't sound good, but why not just cheer for both of them"

"But what if the other is winning and it sounds like I'm the bad guy, maybe I should leave"

"How about we just watched, come sit next to me" I sat next to Kirishima and we looked ahead to see Izuku just walking away

"What is he doing" I said under my breath, if he walks out of bound then he loses, but then Hitoshi wins, god this hard, I just sit back and let everything unravel on its own, if the other loses help them cope, of the other wins congratulate them, that's all I'll do

What shocked me is that a huge gust of wind hit the whole arena, I stared ahead with my hair all messy, I see Izuku hold his hand, I lean towards the bars and noticed that his finger was all bruised up, then Hitoshi was yelling at Izuku but all I heard was muffling since I'm not that close, it looks like he's trying to get him to talk but Izuku wasn't falling for it

Things started to get intense when Hitoshi and Izuku got into a fist fight, they both where trying to push each other out of bound but then Izuku flipped Hitoshi over his shoulder slamming him out of bound, I cringed only imagining how painful that was, getting the air knocked out of his lungs

When the match was over they where talking about something, I quickly went down to go see Hitoshi, I made way around the halls when I saw Hitoshi walking towards my direction "Hitoshi-kun!" I said running into his arms "you did great"

"You really think so"

"Yeah of course I do, I wouldn't be able to do what you did if my life depended on it"

"Well my quirk wasn't the best during those situations"

"Well what's your quirk, I never really asked"

"It's... it's brainwashing, if a person talks to me say for instance I ask a question they answer it, I can brainwash them"

"That's..... so cool!" he looked shocked "I'm surprised you aren't in the Hero course, they should change the entrance exam so the people who don't have a physical quirk can actually make it into the Hero course, I find it very unfair"

"Tell me about it"

"Maybe I can speak to Uncle Nezu" I mutter "so how come your here instead of with your class"

"Wanted to tell you something"

"Sure what is it"

"I was wondering if you'll like to see a movie this weekend"

"I would love to, but I'm throwing a slumber party this weekend, you wanna come it will be fun and we can watch movies together"

"Eh... um"

"Please" he looks at my eyes and a pink tint went across his cheeks

"S-sure I'll go"

"Okay give me your phone number so I can text you my home address" we both exchanged numbers and left, I texted what time he should get there and put my phone away, when the sports festival came to an end I went straight home with my dad "hey dad did I tell you that I was having a sleepover this weekend"

"No, but I'm really proud of you that your coming out of your shell, I'll be in my room the whole time don't worry, if anything happens just come get me, okay"

"Okay dad" I went to the living room and started to set up everything, blankets, snacks, video games, pillows, and for once in my life I was glad dad bought a huge mansion, even though two people live in here, minus the maids and butlers

It gets lonely in here, so I convinced my dad to get me a kitten, I plan on getting it tomorrow so I'm excited, it's a little Munchkin cat, and since the class is gonna be here the whole weekend they can come with me if they want

I flopped on the pile of blankets and sighed out, I look at the time and I had thirty minutes to spare before they come, so I took a nap

This sleepover really changed my life

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