Chapter 22

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

"I did what you asked Shigaraki, got Bakugou to ask me out" I said placing my bag next to the door, I sat on a stool and laid my head down

"That was faster than I expected"

"Had the same reaction, where going out this Friday"

"Make sure it goes well"

"I will" I was scrolling through my phone watching some funny videos when someone massaged my shoulders, I look to my right and see Dabi

"You know if he doesn't fulfill your needs on that date, I will" I felt his hot breath hit against my neck

"O-okay...?" my cheeks where getting hot

"Okay [y/n]!! Let's get training!" she yanked me away from Dabi and we went to the basement, training went as usual, though she did go more difficult on me

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

'Don't screw this date up' that's what has been repeating in my head over and over, just act tough, he'll like that... right "Oi! Hurry your ass up"

"Alright I'm coming" we walked next to each other, he hesitantly held my hand, I just stayed quiet as I followed him, after a while we made it to a arcade area "ohh, this looks fun" I said as we walk in

"You good with games"

"Yeah, I play quite of few games,I have a whole arcade room remember" the first game we played was of course Mortal Kombat

We where neck to neck, my hands where becoming sweaty, and I wasn't gonna lose, just as he was about to throw a final punch I roughly bumped my hip against his, making his hand slip

It showed my character doing a victory pose "ha! I win! I win! Screw you Bakugou!" I was jumping up and down cheering

"You cheated! You made me lose my grip on the remote!!"

"Awww, Bakugou Katsuki is being a sore loser" I teased

"Rematch!! I wanna rematch!" he yelled

"Okay but don't go crying when I win"

~~~~Time Skip Five Minutes~~~~

"What did I say!! Suck it!" I yelled, I was jumping up and down as Bakugou looks at the screen in disbelief "you gonna cry Bakugou" I said poking his cheeks


"Be quiet, there are children here" I said while pinching him, he had a vein popping out of his head and all I did was laugh "come on, don't go pouting"

"Let's play another game, and this time I win"

"Okay, whatever you say Bakugou" we then played Crossy Road, he was ahead of me from one step, me and him had our eyes glued to the screen

"GOD DAMMIT!!" I didn't dare look at his screen, I was too busy going ahead, then I slipped and fell into the lake, I sighed out and looked at his screen

"HA! Beat you by twenty jumps" I said

"The damn police car came out of no where!" he yelled, I was wheezing on the floor holding my stomach "whatever! Let's go somewhere else"

~~~~Time Skip~~~~

We where walking along the sidewalk, I felt something land on my head and I grabbed it "a red feather, he better not-"

"Hey kiddo, whatcha up too" I groaned when Hawks landed beside me

"Nothing, just enjoying myself with my date" I said, he looked over me to see Bakugou, they both had this glare at each other "okay, you can leave now" I said shoving him away

"Yeah, leave" I hear Bakugou say behind me

"Alright, alright, I'll be leaving, just don't go-"

"We won't, now leave" I said shoving him, I see him flying away and I sighed out

"You know him"

"No duh, I know every pro hero there is, it's annoying to be honest" I said while rolling my eyes, we made it to his house....

........ which I was not expecting

The door was locked and I see Katsuki patting his pockets to look for his keys, and he couldn't find them, so he knocked... and knocked again.... then started to punch the door repeatedly until I heard a women yell


"ITS ME YOU OLD HAG!!!" I flinched at the sudden loud noise, when she opened the door her angry expression turned into a delighted one when her eyes landed on me

"Katsuki! How come you didn't tell me you had a girlfriend! Oh and isn't she All Might's daughter, your too good for my son, out of all the people why him?" I was at a lost for words


"NOT WITH THAT UGLY ASS ATTITUDE!!" they where both arguing with each other and I see what appears to be his dad having a nervous smile and waving at me I of course waved back

After his mom slapping him across the head she let us in, we both headed to the room but not before his mom can yell "don't go making too much noise in there" she laughed while I was internally freaking out

I look to my side and see Bakugou about to blow up, literally blow up, like his whole face was red "you okay?"

"I'm fine" he barely said, we went up to his room and I laid on his bed, his room was nicer than I expected, it's also cozy, he had a lot of band posters around his room, but one thing did take the cake

His bed

Sure I have a huge bed at my house and it's comfy as well, but his bed hit different, I sunk in as soon as I laid down "so wanna watch a movie" he said while grabbing his laptop and turning it on

"Sure, let's watch... uhhh, oh! How about a scary movie, like... (favorite scary movie)"

"Alright, I'll get snacks" he left and I laid down, but eventually passed out in a millisecond

~~~~Katsuki's POV~~~~

I walk back up with a bowl of popcorn in my hand and some candy in another, when I opened my door I found her asleep on my bed, I just smiled slightly and laid next to her

I looked at her for a moment and I leaned in to her face but froze when she moved

I got back to my senses and watched the movie myself

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