Chapter 28

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~~~~[y/n] POV~~~~

I was all over the news, search parties where out, Katsuki was being investigated since he was the last person to see me, they looked through cctv footage but Toga broke them before they got there hands on it

But so far they got nothing, I've been 'missing' for over five months and I've gotten comfortable around here

"Wow! Your all over the place! Like usual!" Toga said looking at the tv

"Yeah... feel bad for Bakugou, he's been getting yelled at from the police, believing he kidnapped me or something, they still think he had something to do with it"

"Oh don't worry! Where gonna take some of your blood and scatter it across some place, so they will believe your dead!!" she took a knife out along with rags "gimme your arm!" I sighed out lifting my sleeve up and setting my arm down on the table

"Ah! Don't make a mess" Kurogiri said "do that somewhere else" Toga pouted but we left to her room and just like that she stabbed me in my arm

"Ow! Give me a warning next time"

"It's best if we get it over with" she put the rags in my arm to collect the blood, while doing that she wrote a letter saying I died "okay! Now time for makeup!"

"Wait what?"

"Where gonna take pictures to make you look dead!"

"Is it gonna take long?"

"Well we have to make it believable! So yes!" I groaned as she did my makeup, I like it but sometimes there are days where I just wanna look natural

After about an hour or two I looked in the mirror and jumped back "oh wow, that looks too real" I look pale and she even made gash marks around my body

"Like it?!"

"Yeah, this looks cool"

"Now where gonna need you to lie in the floor" she said


"So we can take pictures of you playing dead! It will make it more believable, but first make a pool of blood around you with your arm" I did just that, I held my arm out while the blood dripped down onto the floor making a pool of it "okay now lay down and play dead!"

"Now I feel like a dog"

"Just do it!" I laid down and closed my eyes acting 'dead' and all that, after some time she finished taking the pictures "okay! I'll be back in a few, just got to put it some where, like where the police will most likely find it, anyways see ya~!"

I waved goodbye and bandages my arm up in the bathroom and cleaned the makeup off, but as I finished I hear a knock and open it to see Dabi "oh hey Dabi"

"Hey [y/n], hows it been"

"Okay... I guess"

"Seems your stress, I was wondering..."

"Wondering what?"

"Maybe I can get rid of that stress" I just stood there with a red face

"A-and exactly how will y-you being doing that" I look at the floor ready for death to drag me down

"You know exactly how" I feel his hand on my cheek, his thumb rubbing in circles, it made me feel relaxed if I'm honest

"We just got a report on Yagi [y/n] disappearance" I perked up and made my way to the bar where I looked at the tv "seems that we have recovered one cctv footage of her walking back to her house but leaving after staring at the gate"

"Wait, did Toga-"

"But that is the only footage recovered showing Yagi [y/n]'s last moments before disappearing"

"Oh thank god" I sighed out

"Don't worry so much, now let's get back to what we where doing-" not a moment later something hit Dabi's face


"Oh Toga, your back fast"

"Almost got caught by the police! I just dropped the 'evidence' and went on my mary way~!" she plopped in between me and Dabi "let's keeping watching the news! There gonna show your 'lifeless' body on tv anytime soon!"

"So where did you drop the 'evidence'"

"At Bakugou Katsuki's house!"


"I know great place-"

"WHAAAAT!?!" my heart-rate was going a millions times an hour "th-THATS BAD! Bad Toga! Bad!" I grabbed the squirt bottle and squirted her face

"Hisssss" she ran off and I just plopped on the couch with my hands on my face

"I-I have to fix this. I just gotta" I grabbed my sweater and made my way to Katsuki's house

"Hey" I look back at Dabi his lips where up against mine "don't get caught, and if you want some stress relief, you know where to find me" he walks off and I stand there

"What was I doing again... oh right Katsuki is about to get arrested"

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