Chapter 12: Meeting the CEO

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Ling's POV

I gulped. The CEO wants to meet me? This wasn't good news. And he knew about me? Soo Zee looked as nervous as me. She grabbed my hand. 

"Look. I might have a way to prevent you from meeting the CEO. However, you would not see EXO forever." She said.

I shook my head. The friendship I had with those boys was priceless. I replied, "Its okay. I'll meet the CEO."

Soo Zee scolded, "You don't know how's he's like! You might end up in a worse state!"

"I don't mind. I don't want to be coward and run away because I'm scared!" I shot back. 

She kept quiet and grabbed me by the arm to a van. She pushed me into the van and shut the door. I sighed. Going into the drivers seat, Soo Zee started driving and stayed silent. 

I whispered, "Soo Zee?"

Soo Zee replied, "What is it?"

"Are you mad at me?" I said.

Soo Zee said, "No Ling, I'm really worried and I'm still thinking of how to explain to the CEO."

I nodded and the silence ensued. Soon we were in front of a building. I stepped out with Soo Zee who passed the van to one of personnel outside. 

Soo Zee led me to the lift where we took it the highest floor. I was jittery and my palms broke out in cold sweat. 

When we reached the floor, I was led to a huge door. It was a door with a name plate which read Lee Soo Man. 

Suddenly Soo Zee gripped my hand and whispered,"Are you sure you want to meet him?"

I put my other free hand on top of her hand and assured her. I proceeded to knock on the door lightly.

"Yes?" a deep husky voice sounded. 

"It's Ling Ling." I said.

"Oh please come in and Soo Zee please stay outside." he replied.

Taking a deep breath, I opened the door. Right in front of me was Lee Soo Man. He wore a black suit l bowed and he urged me to take a seat.

He began, "So I see that you knew some of my precious idols eh? And this information has gone out to so many fans and they are being in a frenzy."

I kept quiet. What he said was totally true.

He continued, "This causes trouble for you and my idols. I have two solutions for you. One, you train here and be an idol in a few months. Two, you can forget being friends with them and I'll not guarantee your safety once you step out of this door."

I clenched my fists. Mr Lee was leaving me with no choice at all. Being an idol was not easy and I had stagefright! I thought long and hard. But nothing favourable seemed to come out. 

Mr Lee handed out a contract and a pen which lay beside it. He drummed his fingers on the table top, obviously annoyed by my hesitation. 

After a mere ten minutes, Mr Lee couldn't take it anymore and blurted, "So, Ms Ling? I'm a busy man and I have no time to wait for you. Yes or no?"

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. It's now or nothing. 

"I'll do it. I'll be a trainee and train." I said as I signed the contract.

Mr Lee finally managed a grin and took back the contract and the pen. "Good. You've made a great decision. You'll start training next week. And the final contract would be decided by then. I'll inform your parents." he said as he hurriedly left the room.

I heaved a sigh. What have I gotten myself into?! Soo Zee rushed in and asked, "You actually agreed to be a trainee?! What the hell were you thinking?"

I shook my head, "I don't know. I don't know. I don't really know. I just can't think of a favourable solution to escape this."

Soo Zee frowned, "Didn't I say I have a solution? Ugh, no more time to fret. You better return before the boys come back. Don't let them know anything for now. Let's go."

I nodded and followed Soo Zee out.

When I returned, I was exhausted so I lay down to rest. Soon, I was fast asleep.

Soo Zee's POV

Ugh, what has that girl got herself into? Many trainees get kicked out and most didn't get to debut. She would suffer a lot! I couldn't bear to tell her the hard truth. I led her out and brought her back to the boys' dorm. She was tired and went back to her room to sleep.

I sat down, trying to think of a way to get her out of this. Then, the door opened and the boys walked in with a bothered look ok their faces. I maintained a cool expression and asked, "Whats up with that face?"

Suho explained, "We're just really tired. Where's Ling?"

"She's sleeping and she's fine." I replied.

Then, suddenly I was pulled to one of their rooms. Troubled expressions were all written on their faces. I asked, "What? Seriously y'all better tell me or else I'll just look after Ling."

Suho stopped me. He took a deep breath and began, "You see, the CEO told us that if we want to ensure Ling's safety, we have to ignore her and not bother her for life. We refused but he gave us another proposition. He said one of us must date her so he can turn this into a scandal. But before that happens, Ling must train for a year as she's too young. We're all worried she couldn't take the training."

I gulped. Lee Soo Man was a crafty one.

Xiumin spoke up, "Does Ling know?"

I didn't want to tell them but they already knew. I replied, "She met the CEO and already signed a contract to be a trainee. She'll start training next week."

They chorused, "WHAT?"

"She'll die from the training! It's harsh!" -Baekhyun

"I don't want my noona to go through that hell training." -Sehun

"What are we gonna do right now?" -Suho

"Ya ya ya! Stop fretting over that now. She is a stubborn girl. She chose that path. I tried to warn her but she didn't listen. Now all we can do is to support her." I snapped.

"Soo Zee's right. I hope you'll support me." Ling said as she walked into the room.

Everyone was shocked including me. How long has she been standing there?

Ling continued, "I know you're worried but I can take it. And I don't wanna lose you guys. You're all my precious precious friends."

We all regained our composure and Baekhyun spoke, "I know you don't wanna lose us and we don't want too but we're also worried for your health! You just recovered! The training could cost your life!"

Her tone turned serious, "Baekhyun, I know you are really worried but I know my body. And I know I can take it. Please trust me and support me alright?"

Everyone stayed silent. I couldn't just let this go on. I blurted, "Guys, we'll discuss this tomorrow. Go to sleep. It's late."

Ling looked genuinely upset. I led her to her room, comforting her, "Ling, I support you alright? I'm sure they'll come to support you. Sleep well."

Ling mouthed, "Gomaowo eonnie."

I smiled and closed the door silently. I really hope she can take that hell training.

Hey guys! I'm back! I guess this chapter is long enough. Sorry for a really late update. I went overseas and didn't really get to update and write. As you can see, I changed my fandom! But don't worry, the story would still go on. Love you guys! Thanks for 698 reads! :)


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