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Toni looked at the young man taking in his features, "You need to leave."

"What?" He asked in shock.

Kenny frowned, "Tone."

"No, you have to go."

Kaila looked between them,"Mom-"

"Kaila, stay out of this." She said turning her attention to her estranged son, "Go, now please." She said before going upstairs.

Kenny and Kaila gave their new family member a sympathetic look as he folded the picture of Toni back up and stuffed it in his pocket.

"I didn't mean to offend her, I just wanted to meet her. I've been looking for like 6 months." He said lowly.

Kenny shook his head, "It's okay, come in." He said.

"Where are you from?" Kaila asked.

"Well my parents told me I was born in Maryland but when they adopted me, we moved to North Carolina."

"Wow, so when did they tell you that you were adopted?" Kenny asked as they all sat down in the living room.

He shrugged, "They didn't have to. They're white, I'm not. It was kinda obvious."

Kaila chuckled, "I'm sure it was. You were either adopted or a house nigg-"

"Kaila!" Kenny interrupted. He shook his head, "Sorry about her. She's your sister."

"Nice to meet you Kaila, I'm Chance." He said holding his hand out for her to shake.

"Oh okay, are you a rapper too or...?"

"Very funny." He chuckled. He stood up, "I guess I should head to the hotel."

"No just stay here." Kenny suggested already feeling connected to him.

Chance shook his head, "I can't. She doesn't want me here."

"She's just in shock that's all. We have a guest bedroom right down the hall. No son of mine is staying in a hotel."




I sat at my vanity trying to calm myself. I gave him away hoping he'd stay away. I guess it was foolish to think he wouldn't come looking for me. How do you look in the face of a child you could never love?

I sighed hearing the door open, "I don't wanna hear it Ken."

He slammed the door,"Too bad! What the fuck? You knew we had a son out there the whole time and you said nothing? You never told me you were pregnant, you never mentioned a baby."

"I was 16! I couldn't raise that baby and I wasn't going to. I couldn't ruin my life or yours."

"Do you hear yourself? Everything is I, what about us?  What about me even? I deserved to know, don't you think?"

I shook my head, "You would've wanted me to keep him. Then you would've been stuck working some minimum wage job, never went to college, and never would have gotten your book deal. I couldn't live with that, I didn't want to. I did what was best for us."

"No. You didn't think about me once. You're selfish."

"That's not fair!"

He scoffed,"So you spending a year at boarding school and sending me letters that got lost was never true?"

"No. I was in a group home for pregnant teenagers." I admitted.

"You've been lying about everything."

"Kenny, there are things you don't understand." I said. There was so much more to the story. Things that would ruin his life and our marriage.

"I can't do this right now. He's staying here tonight. I'm sleeping on the couch." He said walking out.

"Ken!" I called out getting a slammed door in response. I huffed feeling the tears fall. Things can only get worse from here.



I'm so mad I could punch something. I missed out on my own son's life. I'll never get that time back. I can't believe Toni would be so selfish.

"Hey." Chance said turning the TV off.

I sighed,"Sorry if you heard that-"

"No, I didn't hear..." He trailed off rubbing the back of his neck...just like Toni.

"Not you too." I said exhaustedly.
He frowned in confusion,"What?"

"Nothing, you're just a lot like your mother that's all."

"Look if me being here is causing trouble, I'll leave-"

"No. I want you to stay. I missed almost 24 years of your life, I want to get to know you." I said sitting on the couch opposite him.

He nodded,"Okay, well what do you wanna know?"




I woke up alone this morning remember last night's drama. I called in sick from work because I just wasn't feeling it. After doing my hygiene and putting on sweats, I went downstairs seeing Chance sitting on the couch reading one of Ken's books.

He looked up at me, "He's in his office."

"Thanks." I said feeling bad about my behavior.

He closed the book, "Look I'm sorry for just popping in on your life. I just really wanted to meet you and tell you that I'm not angry with you. I know you were young when you had me and I'm sure giving me up was hard on you. I think you're very brave."

I sighed, "No, I should be apologizing. I shouldn't have snapped at you like that. It's's complicated."

"I get it. Either way, I'm still happy to meet you." He said beaming. I simply smiled back.

He really didn't get how complicated this was, or the fact that he just opened up a lot old wounds. However, I can't  hate him forever, he's innocent in all this.

I know y'all are probably like WTF but this is one of those that has to start in one place and tie together later. More characters to come.😬

Theories and questions are welcome. 🤗

I hope you're enjoying the beginning of this dramatic murder mystery!😈

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