Itsy Bitsy Spider

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/An original oneshot by yours truly~ it's just like the nursery ryhme but sadder./

                 Itsy Bitsy spider climbed up
                 the water spout... out came the
                 rain and washed the spider
                 out... out came the sun and
                 dried up all the rain, itsy bitsy
                 spider didn't climb the water 
                 spout again.


Peter was spiderman, the well known Vigilante of Queens... he went to Midtown high, had two close friends... one was a guy in the chair... He also was a normal highschool kid. Peter was accepted in the team as a part-time Avenger or an ally.

To sum it all up, Peter was a boy.

And that boy was going on patrol one day, it was raining and it clouded his vision but he managed, stopping a few patrols here and there like usual.

Only having a few small bruises... and one gun wound. He went to the window of the tower and stuck to it, waving as he stumbled through announcing: "good news! I only got shot once!" Bruce looked at the bot concerned, "Where were you shot?"

"Uhm... my side? I think"

He made a childish grin and the wound got tended to.

After his wound was tended to, Peter stood up and waddled to his room. It was strange, he looked out the window and asked FRIDAY a very odd small request...

"FRIDAY, can you sing Itsy Bitsy Spider for me?"

"Of course Peter." The Ai started to sing Itsy Bitsy Spider and it calmed him down... to some extent. Peter started to fall asleep calmly at the Ai's voice.
It calmed him because it reminded him of himself, he's a spider human, and when he falls he always rises up once again. Just like in the nursery ryhm...


The Avengers were out with their spiderson, not as heroes but as an actual family... Peter was grateful, he really was... they went out and had tons of fun, went to alot of places, but now it was raining and the streets were crowded and Peter got lost in them, he got pushed around like sediment in a river, he tried to escape but lost his family... until someone purposely pushed him, pushed him on the road.

Peter felt time slow done... just for him. He fell backwards as a car had hit him right there and then. A thud was heard, a few calls from people and screams were ringing in Peter's ear.

"Peter!" Tony noticed his son and ran to him, dashing to his side.

They had to rush him back immediately, reassuring that their son was fine... Peter's eyes were starting to droop as he could see was the rain which soaked his numb body.

He tried to reassure himself as well, black spots invading his vision while the avengers reached the tower bringing him to the med-bay. "itsy... bitsy... spider... climbed up the water spout..." He muttered as he was put on the bed, Tony gripping his hand as he whispered words that tried to reassure himself and Peter.

"down came the rain...and washed the spider out..." There was too much blood. they tried to stop it while trying to keep Peter alive...

"Out comes the sun and... dried... up... all... the rain..." Peter started to slur as he tried to stay alive himself.

"Itsy bitsy spider...."

And with that Peter took his last breath, falling limp. When they tried to make his heart start being stable again it didn't seem to work for some while... until they finally got him. He was alive...

but Peter was sleeping, he wasn't going to wake up soon.

and so... his family and friends rushed in and out everyday, they greeted him and talked to him..

and waited.

and waited...

it has been 5 months, Peter even missed his birthday. But still they celebrated it by his side, kisses, hugs, presents -which are still not opened- and a wish...

Then one day, when Tony was by Peter's side, his finger twitched, and it was a good sign.

they kept coming back to visit the boy as there was progress....


And then Peter woke up, Tony was beside him as the boy stirred awake, throat dry.. "...'Ony?" He managed to croak out as the man looked up and hugged the boy.

His eyes were puffy as Peter hugged back.

"...'m so sorry Mr 'ark..." He said muttering, when the others came in their eyes watered and gave the boy alot of love as they were Ushering him to open his birthday presents.

He opened them up and thanked all of them, still a bit groggy from waking up...

When he realised Tony didn't give a present he felt kinda sad but when the man approached the boy he presented a few papers as he opened it with fumbly fingers.

It was an adoption paper.

"Mr Stark-- I--"

He started to tear up from happiness and gulp. "R-really?..." Peter's voice was like a squeak as he asked with trembling hands.

"Yes Pete, really."

"Like... really really Mr Stark?... you sure? You want me.. me to be your son?" Peter pinched his cheek and flinched when he realised this wasn't a dream

"Yes really, kid. You are now a stark and always will be."

Peter nodded with teary eyes, he was now 16 and this was the best birthday gift he could have...

"Thank you Mr Stark---"

"It is Tony Pete. Actually no-- it is Dad for you." He chuckled as Peter stumbled on his words. "Yes Mr Sta-- I mean Ton--- no no... D-dad..." he muttered with his cheeks a faint shade of pink.

"Aunt May, Uncle Ben and my mum and dad said I wasn't suppose to die now, they helped me wake up.. I'm grateful."

He gave a sweet smile and felt dizzy and drowsy, it was weird waking up after how many months?

But now? Peter will have alot of explaining to do to Ned, MJ, and his school... actually not the school. Just Ned and MJ, and the fact that he gets to stay with his super family was a bonus...


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