Miracles and Feelings /3/

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/This is an original oneshot by yours truly~ get ready for mixed emotions, tell me what you felt after reading this/

                  Peter thought that everything
                  was going fine after he
                  snapped and everything was
                  back to normal with people
                  alive... he was granted
                  another chance and somehow
                  came back, let it be by miracle
                  -and fanfiction- but when he
                  returns he sees he isn't
                  needed but that is how he


"Pete I---"

Tony tried to talk to the boy who looked at the man in the eyes. "I never knew you could get over my death easily." Tears threatened to spill out of his eyes.

"So I guess we are just a mentor-mentee relationship huh?" He said in a harsh tone to the billionaire. "I'm glad Natasha is my mum, she cares about me and didn't leave me alone. didn't forget about me." he lashed at the man before going off, tears falling down his face.

When the man stepped forward Peter went back.

"No.. Don't do that. The time when you hugged me on the battlefield, it was fake."

Tony didn't like seeing Peter like this, he saw how much he had hurt the boy and it was too late... He had missed the boy, grieved for him, he had adoption papers readied but broke down when Peter never came back.

"You already have what you wanted, an actual family. Tell Ms Potts I said hi." And then he turned away, picking up the basket and going to pay for the items, leaving the man alone... but he approached the boy still, Peter thought of something and mumbled under his breath... not realising the man was behind him:

"I wonder why I asked the lady voice I would live for Stark... Why? my reason then was 'he was like a father figure to me' stupid Peter. I'd have to go back up with Mama Spider. I made a wise decision to actually choose Natasha to come back, but now looking back on my words to Lady Voice I guess 'Mr Stark' was just a cling to a naiive memory."

He had a lot of regret and sadness in his tone while he talked to himself, thinking out loud...

When he started doing self-check each beep he was focused on it but was interrupted by Tony's voice: "Is it true?" He sighed and kept scanning his items. "Is what true Stark?"

He didn't think the man would reply in all honesty... "You asked to live for my sake? Peter I'm so sorry---" He got cut off with a hurt cry from the smaller one. "Shut it, apologizes won't work... just stay with your adopted son and biological daughter, you don't want to lose them like I did." The last sentence had so many meanings...

After Peter scanned his items he paid and put the items in his bag.

"Clint is a better father than you." He stated with a fond memory, it was Peter's birthday. "He celebrated my birthday with me and stayed with me and Mama 'Tasha... when I told him when he first visited the house he remembered my birthday..."

"He's my father-figure... I should have lived for him than you, I was so naiive. Sorry Stark" When Peter grabbed his bag and receipt he left the store, the billionaire trailing behind him like a lost puppy

Peter hopped on his bike and boosted off, leaving the man alone to watch his cycle away.

"I'm so sorry Peter... i hurt you so much... I didn't even recognise how you felt..."

Tony felt regret build up inside him and realised how scared he was to lose him, Peter was a son to him... he lost him just like the snap. His Peter was gone... it was his fault this time.

When Peter had taken a detour he was now walking, tears streaming down his face by the streets... He crouched down the wall of a building and noticed a familiar figure in casual clothing. "Pete? what are you doing here?" It was Clint, and the man picked him up gently, hugging him while the boy snuggled into him bursting into tears...

Tony saw this from his window, telling FRIDAY to follow the boy. He made Peter cry...

Was he just like his father?

Clint brought Peter home with the bags as Tony followed behind, he had to have a talk to Natasha about this. Telling his kids he would be back soon was a definite promise... He didn't want to lose his other kids as well...

When he came to a stop of a humble house in the suburbs it seemed a bit odd for him, reminding himself of the safe-house for Clint from before.

He got out and tapped the archer on the back.

"Birdbrain, We need to talk."

"What are you doing here Stark?" It was more of a bite than a bark, he did actually appreciate Tony for a while but then after knowing what had happened now he didn't enjoy it.

"I came to talk..."

"Talk to me instead." Natasha gave a cold glare before muttering a row of russian curse words -which Peter giggled at-

When she invited the man inside the house Clint stayed with Peter upstairs.


"What do you want Stark?" Natasha said while she crossed her arms, leaning back against the chair.

"I want to talk about Peter..." He had an actual apologetic face filled with regret, his eyes were puffy from tears and his usual smart composure seemed like when he was stuck in his lab, losing Peter for the first time

"If you want Peter back I'm not letting you... even shared guardianship. Clint has that job. And don't you have a family to look after? The boy you adopted to replace Peter after he told the lady that he was going to live... for you? He was so excited to meet you but it all went tumbling down the drain."

All the facts were true, sliced through him like butter.

"Tony it will take time to heal, your father-figure suddenly having a replacement was what was going through Peter's head... his feelings were downright broken."

"I know... I regret that.. I would do anything for Peter."

It was true, and now it was a situation needing to be diffused...

"We'll see if Peter will forgive you after a while... I could see that you were waiting for Peter. But Peter is just a boy, he had time and feelings..."

They didn't have to go back up anymore, they enjoyed life there...

but they have a lot of mending to do.


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