A doll's story /4/

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/This is an original oneshot by yours truly~ I was bored and read back through a few chapters I made before... and I liked the doll au one so here is another one!/

There was a certain doll that
was made of porcelain, he
was formed just like an
average boy... His height was
at 5'10. Every doll has it's


"I'm back Petey, I'm back." He stroked the boy's hair as Peter found his first other guardian back. "You still haven't aged a bit Peter, how is Stan?" The other new visitors looked at the two in confusion, however someone that Peter had briefly seen was recognisable.

"...'s fine, is that Mr Barnes? I haven't seen you in well..." He counted on his fingers the years and blinked. "Since the 1940's."

Shock was visible on the other visitor's features.

"1940's?... this kid looks 12."

"I'm 15."

"What's going on here?" Came a voice as another sound of sliding doors was heard. "Mr Stark!"

There stood the billionaire-genius in his glory, holding a mug filled with piping hot coffee in a relaxed posture. "I found my old owner Mr Stark." The porcelain doll could see the glimmer fade from his eyes but then he stopped to listen to the doll.

"But you have the actual guardianship now, since I now have two guardians like before I guess this is our family right?"

"Explain 'guardianship' and 'owner' because you got me all over the place with these terms kid." Tony sat down on the couch and looked at the scrap-book Peter was making.

The boy sat down on the otherside of the couch swinging his legs back and forth.

"Mmm... well we get given to someone that wants us or that Mr Stan gives us, out of the two they can decide who the actual owner is of us." He paused and then continued by starting to finish the scrap-book.

"Mr Rogers used to be my owner but he disappeared, so Ms Carter was my owner but she is 'n the stars. Once the other person becomes my owner, an owner is like... y'know a certificate! they are the ones who are mainly 'sponsible like... a father 's the man of the household."

They nodded in confusion as Tony processed the information.

"So i'm the owner then? even if Mr Rogers is here."

"Mhm! but you can share guardianship, but Mr Stark has to be responsible for most of it... or you can actually share ownership."

"Share?" Tony and Steve looked at each other while the super-soldier cleared his throat. "So similar to what Ms Carter and I did?" His blue orbs met hazel ones. "What Peter means is, that instead of one person being responsible it can be between two people."

The other visitors Peter never saw before -except for Mr Barnes- were wondering what was happening but didn't question it.

"What are your names?"

A lady with short red hair walked towards him, crouching down to meet his level. "I'm Natasha Romanoff, nice to meet you Peter."

He met a few more people, named Sam Wilson, Clint Barton, and Scott Lang.

"Nice to meet you Ms Romanoff, Mr Wilson, Mr Barton and Mr Lang." He gave a polite nod before he noticed another figure go through, his eyes sparkling with joy.

"Harry?" Tony grimaced as his eyes seemed to darken at the two that entered, his eyes landing on the boy beside him too. But it was too late to stop the innocent fragile doll...

However the response was different from the other boy.

"Peter! Is this your new owner?" He looked at Tony before giving a nod. "I was gonna say that to you too!" Realisation hit then both.

"Our owners are rich."

"Mr Rogers is here though, I think they decided to have shared ownership like Ms Carter and Mr Rogers used to have. What are you doing here? I don't mean to be rude of course but-"

"Osborn." Tony said with a tight smile "Stark." in which the other returned in slight shock.

"Peter sit down on the couch and you can talk with Harry to catch up." The two nodded and started talking while Tony brought Norman to the meeting room.

"What is this? a doll-fest?" Sam enquired as he waved his hands to the two porcelain dolls.

Steve sat down beside them as Bucky went to the kitchen to cook food, while the others began dispersing to whatever activity they were going to do. "Mr Osborn became slightly nicer now, I made him happy too!" Then Harry kissed Peter on the cheek and hugged him.

"Mr Osborn told me that you kiss the person you love the most. Harley and Gwen might come over soon, I don't see you in school anymore Petey."

"Because Auntie May told that I can only stay for a few months..."

Steve got up to help Bucky with dinner as Harry had to go. "I'll visit the school, I wonder how it was for them there!" The two nodded as Peter waved bye to his best friend.

When he sat on the dinner table it was filled with conversation before Tony asked about his relationship with Osborn's child.

"Well... He's also like me, 'long with MJ, Ned, Harley 'n Gwen. Gwen and Harley are comin' over to the school soon... Harry was the first one I was introduced to, but we are all friends together."

"If you wonder how we are alive 'n all then it's similar to Pinocchio, but without the lyin'... just very honest. Uhm, we also have this crystal soul thing that acts as a heart and if that is ripped outta us then we're a goner."

They were curious about his guardians and who they were, he was glad to tell them his story... and what he learned with each and every family.

"Ms Carter and Mr Rogers were my first guardians, Ms Carter was brave resilient 'n caring." He drank some water first before continuing with his story.

"Mr Rogers was righteous and sometimes reckless, they told me stories 'n stuff... I kinda learned recklessness and to talk up if I want to be heard." He refilled his glass of water and continued.

"When Mr Rogers disappeared I met a few other people when I stayed with Ms Carter, the first time I cried too..."

"Who were your next guardians?" Pepper Potts asked the boy in which he gladly talked about, they were his newest family.

"Mary Parker and Richard Parker, they told me to call them mum and dad though. They were in somethin' called SHIELD, Mr Parker was a scientist and he taught me all different sciences and projects which was cool." He showed the book he was writing notes about. "Like this!"

"Mrs Parker taught me a little 'bout self defense and what to do if i'm cornered, also that I should be brave... I also was told to make people happy and stay the same."

They nodded as Natasha seemed to make a soft expression, she knew who they both were... the plane.

"Uncle Ben and Auntie May were next, uncle ben taught me about justice 'n stuff, also a little bit about his job and how to hold a gun. Auntie May taught me how to cook and what it was like to cry again."

He made a smile before hopping off the chair and going to the couch to grab the scrap-book to pass around.

"Then Mr Stark helped fix Mr Stan's car and I was taken in, otherwise I woulda been alone in the shop." the scrap-book was passed around as the flicked through the photo's.

They hugged the porcelain doll as he gave a bright smile in return.

[Part 4]

/Next up is meeting Harley and Gwen! you've been wanting to see them i'm guessing/

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