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"It hurts

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"It hurts. Make it stop, make it better".

It was a rainy day. The group didn't have to do anything and MinJae decided to take it easy today. Red Velvet had just released their teasers for Red Flavor, and MinJae was awfully homesick. MinJae wasn't born in Korea or anywhere in Asia, she was born all the way in Canada so she was lucky if she could even get to see her family once every few years.

MinJae knew that being away from home would have its pros and cons. She wanted to follow her dream, become an idol. But she had to move away from her family, her siblings that she loved and her mom and father who were like a support system for her. MinJae also knew going to Korea would mean that her anxiety would get worse seeing as she hates being away from her family.

Right now, MinJae was curled up in her bed, blankets wrapped around her, and hyperventilating.
Her chest going up and down rapidly, her breathing uneven as she tries to get something, anything, to help her calm down. She tries to reach for her phone to call her parents, her siblings, anyone who can calm her down. But it's no use, her phone is on the floor.

MinJae feels trapped. It's as if her white bedroom walls are closing around her, she can't breathe, she can't move. And the pain in her chest is unbearable, MinJae can't make any noise, only tears will come down her face.

Then, she hears a knock on the door with a soft call of her name. "MinJae unnie? Dinner is ready."
MinJae wanted to call for the younger girl to come in, but she couldn't, she couldn't move, she felt like she couldn't even breathe properly.

MinJae heard the doorknob twist and turn as the door finally opened. It was Joohyun. Joohyun let out a gasp as her eyes went wide at MinJae's state. MinJae had a tear streaked face, she was covered in her blanket, her chest going up and down rapidly and phone on the floor. Joohyun rushed to MinJae, enveloping her in a tight hug, pulling MinJae's head to her chest, letting MinJae hear her heartbeat.

Joohyun knew what to do in these type of situations. MinJae always calmed down best when hearing someone's heartbeat, she knew it was always calming to her and helped her focus on one thing the best. It was something MinJae's parents did when this happened and it just reminded her of home, something that was familiar to help MinJae calm down.

"Breathe in, Jae, listen to my heartbeat, focus on my heartbeat." Joohyun said softly while rubbing circles in MinJae's back. MinJae calmed down. She listened to the slow beat of Joohyun's heart and pretended it was her mother doing this. MinJae's breathing started to get better and she calmed down. She wrapped her arms around the younger girl.

"Thank you Joohyun, thank you so much." MinJae said with a shaky voice. Joohyun smiled. "Don't worry about it unnie, I'm here for you, you can talk to us."Joohyun said before squeezing the older girl.

"I love you unnie."

"I love you too Joohyun."

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