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MinJae just came back from her studio and decided to take a nap before having to meet up with the girls (red velvet). (MinJae owns an apartment that is closer to her studio so she goes there and naps sometimes) MinJae was going to make a quick snack and then go to sleep before she heard really loud flashes. 'What the hell is going on?' MinJae tied her hair up into a bun, put on sandals, and decided to go outside the apartment to check what's going on.

As MinJae reached the window, she saw about 5 girls. They had their phones out and were recording her. MinJae was so mad that sasaengs actually came to her apartment.

She stepped outside to have a word with them. The girls started screaming for her and tried to surround her. "Unnie!" They all shouted. MinJae put up a smile and made the motion for them to quiet down.

"Girls, I know you guys wanted to see me but finding my address was unnecessary and it scares me when you guys do that." MinJae had a gentle tone, not trying to be mean with these girls.

They didn't listen and kept taking recording her. MinJae frowned a bit and took out her phone.

MinJae texted her manager that sasaengs were there. She put her phone away and tried to talk to the girls again. "Girls, I need to go back inside and rest so I'm asking if you guys can leave for now please?" The girls stayed where they were. MinJae frowned and went back inside.

About 10 minutes later her manager arrived and made the girls leave.

When MinJae went live later, she addressed the situation with reveluvs. Her words were, "Luvies, I know you guys love us as fans and would do anything for us, but today there were fans outside my apartment recording and taking pictures of me. I know you guys love us and want to see us. I love to see you guys too, just not outside my apartment. I think that's beyond just loving us."

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