Red Velvet Friendship Test

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Italics- English
Regular- Korean
Friends with Yeri

"Sometimes Yeri is like a younger sister, but sometimes she's like an older sister too."

Yeri's trust fall

"I'm coming. Coming" Yeri spoke as the members went in their places. Wendy and Joy on one side, Irene and Seulgi on the other. MinJae was at the back to catch Yeri's head.

(For those who need a visual.)
     |Joy              Irene|
     | Wendy     Seulgi|

"3,2,1, go!" Yeri said as she fell back and the members caught her but put their hands on her back to push her up. Yeri screamed and said, "oh this is scary!"
Back to Joy

"She has many charms"

Friends with Joy

"Joy is.... very funny and I love her."
"Joy is kind of..... everything." Yeri said with a laugh.
Joy's trust fall

"Next. Hold her neck.
"I'll take care of your neck."
"She's gonna fall because she's tall."
"Don't let her neck go back!" Said a worried MinJae

(MinJae is at the back once again to hold Joy's neck)

"3,2,1,go!" Yeri said

Joy let herself fall back and was caught by her members only for her neck to fall back. MinJae and the girls started to laugh.
"Oh, her neck!"

Friends with Wendy

"I first met Wendy six years ago when we were trainees. I realized that she and I feel very similar about many things. We always have. It's amazing."

Wendy's trust fall

(MinJae is at the back, once again)
Wendy fell backwards and was caught by her members. She awkwardly laughed and said "okay!"

Back to Irene

"Wendy is.... very unique."

Friends with Irene

"I've known her since I was a trainee. She's a few years older than me so I learn a lot from her. She's like my... true friend. She takes a huge part of my life."
Irene's trust fall

Irene put her hands together as she fell backwards. She screamed midway and brought herself back up. Everyone laughed as Irene looked so scared.
"It wasn't even close! You were there!" Joy said.

"It felt like I was on a rollercoaster!"

Friends with Seulgi

"Seulgi is like my younger sister. We were both trainees together and both bond over the same things we feel passionate over. Seulgi is able to teach me many things. Seulgi is like my cuddly bear. I love her."

Seulgi's trust fall

"I'm going to come down hard." Seulgi said with a smile. "We've got you." Wendy said.

"1,2,3." Seulgi said as she went backwards. As she went down, she was stopped by her members hands.  Seulgi threw her head back and laughed with her members.

Friends with MinJae

"If we count today, we've known each other 6, almost 7, years. I actually knew her before we became trainees so I guess it would be almost 9 years we've known each other. I think of MinJae as family. My real sister."

MinJae's trust fall

"She's tall as well."
"I'll hold your neck!"
"Please don't let my neck fall back." MinJae said with a playful eye roll.

"3,2,1, go!" Yeri said. MinJae fell back and like Joy, no one caught her neck. MinJae's neck fell back and everyone laughed.

"Aish! My neck!" MinJae whined.

"Thank you Glamour! For making us, better friends." They said together.


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