special chapter !! : haseul's call

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march 3rd, 2020

MinJae was in her personal studio, writing songs for red velvet's next comeback, but of course, with MinJae's luck, they were stumped on what to write. He wanted to write something that relates to her personal life. They wanted it to be inspirational and real, not something fake.

Red Velvet's oldest continued to struggle with the lyrics for another hour before receiving a call. She assumed it was from their manager calling again to remind MinJae to eat and drink water.

MinJae was a workaholic, never stopping what they were doing until it was complete. So, their manager made it a ritual to call MinJae whenever she thought MinJae was overworking herself. Their manager was practically a psychic, knowing MinJae and his habits better than anyone else.

The vocalist picked up the phone and was surprised to see it was from none other than Haseul. MinJae's face practically lit up with happiness. Haseul was the other person who could practically light up her day without even trying, other than Nayeon of course.

Their finger immediately clicked the accept button and held the phone to their ear as he waited for the sweet voice that was like honey to come through.

"Jae!" There it was, the voice that would've made MinJae swoon and practically foam at the mouth 3 years ago, but now, MinJae just settles for smiling even harder out of happiness.

"JoJo!" A delicate smile formed on Haseul's face over the phone. There it was, MinJae's stupid nickname for her that she made up years ago. Before, it would've made Haseul giggle, and now it still does. Haseul still loves it till this day. Or rather, maybe she loves the person using it.

But Haseul had to remind herself, MinJae was dating Nayeon. Her soulmate was dating someone who wasn't her.

The younger girl winced as that thought flew into her mind. That's right, MinJae wasn't hers. And, somehow, she would have to accept it.

Haseul quickly reminded herself that she was calling the older woman to congratulate her, not to reopen their relationship that was broken up. "Jae, I just wanted to congratulate you on your relationship with Nayeon! I'm so happy for you two!" MinJae beamed at the sentence, she could hear the smile on Haseul's face and she loved it. She loved that Haseul was still supporting her and they appreciated it so much.

But, what MinJae didn't know was that Haseul's smile didn't quite reach her eyes. But she would never have to know that.

The two girls ended up talking for hours, seeming to never run out of topics.

MinJae looked at her laptop and saw it was filled with beats and soundtracks that needed to be worked on. The thought of going back to producing made him wince. But that was his job, so she had to complete it.

"JoJo, I have to go, but it was lovely talking to you! Love you!" Haseul froze. Haseul knew MinJae didn't mean it in the way Haseul wanted it to be. But she clung. And she clung into that little fragment of the past, when MinJae would look at her lovingly and say those words to her before kissing her.

Her response was a bit delayed. "Love you too Jae! Please take care!" Haseul hung up quickly after that. She wouldn't be able to take much more. She still loved them. She still loved them like it was 2017 again, and they were dating.

But she can't, he had Nayeon. Haseul was just the best friend. At the end of the day, their love, at least on MinJae's side, was platonic now. And it would always be like that.

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