How a leader was chosen

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The girls all gathered in one meeting place. They were going to decide who was going to be chosen for leader. The only reason they were there is because MinJae didn't want to be the leader cause she didn't want that much responsibility. All the girls sat at the round table just staring at each other. Well, mostly MinJae and Irene.

"MinJae unnie, you should be the one to become leader. You're the oldest and you already act like one." Sooyoung said with a tired sigh. She was very tired and they had to wake up early to just have this dumb discussion. Seulgi and Yeri nodded, Wendy yawned. Irene just kept looking at MinJae.

"But I don't want to be the leader, thats too much responsibility!" MinJae started to whine. The tension grew in the room. "Joohyun, why don't you just become leader? You fit the position well!" MinJae was trying to find a way out of being chosen for this position. She would not become leader on her watch.

"You'd think I want to MinJae? You're just being to lazy." Irene voiced out with an eye roll. It was honestly way too early for everyone so they're all kinda annoyed at MinJae. "Hey! Have some respect brat! I'm still your unnie!" MinJae started to whine again. "It's wayyy too early for this." Wendy mumbled while rubbing her temples.

"Why don't we just flip a coin?" MinJae said before digging a bit in her bag. "Ta-da! I found a quarter! Ok Joohyun, do you wanna be heads or tails?" Joohyun shrugged and said "Tails." MinJae nodded and went to flip the coin. She tossed it up in the air, the coin flipping a few times before landing on the wooden table. It landed on heads.

"Fuck." MinJae sighed.

"Joohyun, wait, can we please do it again? Please Joohyun?" MinJae was desperate at this point. Being a leader was too exhausting. Joohyun sighed but nodded "whichever one it lands on this time will be the leader." Joohyun said, her voice was firm but tired. She just wanted to go back to bed to be honest.

MinJae nodded and threw the coin up again. The tension in the air was thick (only for MinJae though). The coin seemed like it took forever to come back down and land on the table. MinJae wanted to cry at that point. It was taking so long.

Finally, after almost a year, it landed. The coin was facing........................ tails.

"YES!" MinJae yelled out of excitement and frolicked out of the building. Red Velvet sighed. Wondering what they would do with their oldest.


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