1k special (3/3) pt. 1

815 10 1


March 21st, 2020

MinJae was nervous. She was going to tell all of her fans that she was dating a woman that she loved. MinJae hates being judged and this could be taken the wrong way. She could lose all of her fans. She could lose the support of many people. She could be hated.

But MinJae loves her girlfriend. 'If they can't except me or her, then that's their problem. Only true fans would stay MinJae. They're not your fans if they leave over the fact that you are dating someone.' MinJae started to convince herself that everything would be fine.

'Alright Jae, you got this, remember what your members said. They support you and so should your fans.' MinJae remembered back to when she told her members she was dating her.

"Seulgi ah, I'm dating ******." Seulgi was in utter shock. She was still surprised at how blunt MinJae could be. Seulgi put down the book she was reading. She ran over and hugged MinJae, squeezing her tight.

"Unnie, I'm so happy for you! I always shipped you too together. You have my blessing and full support." Seulgi said with a grin on her face. MinJae smiled. "Thank you." She breathed out.

MinJae walked into Irene's room. She sat down on Irene's bed. "Joohyun-ie. I'm sorry." Irene sat up a bit. "Why are you sorry unnie?" MinJae started to act dramatic and tear up.

"I couldn't stay loyal to you!" Her lip quivered and tears rolled down her eyes. "I'm sorry Joohyun-ie! I fell in love with ****** and we're dating! I couldn't stay loyal!" MinJae cried out. She started to wipe her tears away dramatically and grin up at Irene. Irene rolled her eyes and said, "Get out of my room MinJae. I'm too tired for this." MinJae smiled and walked out of the room.

"HOW COULD YOU JAE?!" MinJae's nap was interrupted by a screaming Seungwan. "What are you-" Seungwan flopped dramatically on MinJae's bed. "YOU WERE UNFAITHFUL. YOURE DATING ******! JOOHYUN UNNIE TOLD ME!" MinJae just chuckled.

"Seungwan, you know you're my first wife. ****** can never replace that." MinJae said with some fear in her voice. "Alright then, as long as I'm still your first wife, then I'm fine with it." Seungwan said with a smile. "I'm happy for you unnie."

"Hey Soo, I'm dating-" Sooyoung raises her hand up and stopped MinJae. "I know unnie. I heard Seungwan unnie making a fuss over it and heard when Seulgi and Joohyun unnie we're talking about it. I'm very happy for you both unnie." Sooyoung said with a smile.

MinJae went over and hugged Sooyoung. "Thank you. But, I think we should be talking about you and-" Sooyoung pushes her away and blushed. "Get out!!" She exclaimed. MinJae smiled and walked out.

"Yerim!I have to tell you something!" MinJae said while walking into Yeri's room. Yeri, just like Sooyoung, held her hand out and said,"I already know. How would I not find out when my two favorite unnie's are dating? And you know that Seungwan unnie is really loud, so I heard your conversation."

"I just want to make sure you and ****** are happy unnie. That's all I care about. But please, don't go and act all in love in front of me and the other unnies, I'll puke." Yeri said with a grin as MinJae lightly hit her.

MinJae was ready. She was going to tell her fans now. She turned on her phone and went live. She started to wait for people to come in before deciding to speak. Once she saw more people were there she decided to start. MinJae smiled and waved her hands. "Hi luvies! I have an announcement for you all. I just wanted to say that this announcement is serious and if people decide to hate me over it, I'm fine with it. If anyone can't accept it, then they can leave." MinJae took a deep breath.

"I have a girlfriend. And I'm happy with her. I love her and we've been dating for almost 2 years." The comments were going crazy at MinJae's announcement. None were hateful though, and she was happy about that. MinJae decided to start speaking again.

"I've seen nothing bad so far and I just want to thank you for understanding from what I've seen so far in the comments. And, the woman who I'm dating is a well known idol who most of you probably know. I'll reveal who she is when she's ready. Thank you all for understanding and at least hearing me out. You're the best, luvies." MinJae said with a slight smile. She decided to continue her live for another hour before turning it off. Everything was blowing up and the news was everywhere about her dating the next day though, which was what MinJae expected.


"Unnie! MinJae finally announced you guys are dating! Are you gonna reveal to the fans as well?"

"Soon, MinJae and I are gonna go live to reveal who she's actually dating."


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