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January 19th, 2017

Today MinJae had a packed schedule. She was going on many interviews to talk about her new solo album 'Bliss' and her manager had just told her what her schedule was a couple minutes after she woke up. So MinJae was very overwhelmed. Her stylists had put out outfits for her to choose and MinJae picked a black crop top with some ripped blue jeans and a black jacket with some heels.

MinJae's stylist put some light makeup on her, only eyeshadow and some red lipstick on her so she could go out quickly. "Done, you should go out now MinJae-ah." Her stylist said with a smile on her face.
"Thanks unnie, I'll go now." MinJae said which turned into a bit of a yell as she had already walked out.

MinJae was waiting for the show host to welcome her on so she could walk out. 'I miss the girls, I wonder if they're okay. I really hate doing solo interviews, and I have to do another one after this-'
MinJae thoughts were interrupted as the host called her out.

"Please welcome Red Velvet's MinJae!" He said with the fakest smile and enthusiasm ever. MinJae walked out with a smile of her own while waving before taking a seat across the guy. "Hi luvies!" She said and waved to the camera that was recording her.

The interview so far was completely off topic. The guy just asked MinJae about random things that didn't relate to her album. 'I thought I was here to talk about the album I made for my fans, not my personal life which you could literally just search up at any time and find what you need. Such a time waster.' MinJae thought as she smiled and nodded as if she was listening.

"So, MinJae, what's your ideal type?" The interviewer asked as he looked at MinJae for an answer. MinJae internally rolled her eyes. 'I'll never get to talk about my album, will I?' "Well, I don't really think it matters to me much, but if I have to answer, I prefer someone who is younger than me and kind. I also prefer if they're shorter than me. I'm six feet tall so I'd like it if my partner was shorter than me." MinJae said. "Are you dating anybody MinJae?"

"No!ReVeluv's are my partner!" MinJae said while sending a quick wink towards the camera. The interviewer chuckled. "Okay, moving on, MinJae your song Bliss on your solo album. Everyone is freaking out about it. So please tell us, what it's about." MinJae laughed internally knowing her song was about very unholy acts that shall not be named. 'I should've known the fans were gonna catch on. The lyrics are very suggestive.' "Well, that song really has no meaning to it. I guess it can be seen as experiencing pure bliss. And you can feel bliss in many ways so it can honestly be interpreted in many different ways." MinJae said with a slight chuckle knowing she just bullshited her way out of the entire question.

"Okay! Let's move on to our last question. Namean idol that you think is the funniest." MinJae thought about it. She chuckled before answering, " I know a lot of idols that are pretty funny actually. But I think the idol who I've met that is definitely the funniest is definitely BM of Kard. He's really funny and he's in the big tiddie committee ( I had to😳 ) which, I have decided to become a loyal supporter of, so it works out pretty well." MinJae said with a chuckle, her dimples showing.

"Such a great way to end off the interview." He said with small laugh. "Thank you for coming MinJae, we hope to have you again!" MinJae nodded and then left seeing as the camera stopped recording after the guy said that.

I don't even know what this chapter is. I just had the strange feeling to write something again.
(Have any of you heard nct 127's new album?? I swear this is Johnny's era and no one will fight me on that)

(Have any of you heard nct 127's new album?? I swear this is Johnny's era and no one will fight me on that)

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