Argument pt.1

720 13 3

Bold- MinJae
Bold underline- Irene
Italics- Seulgi
Underlined itaclics- Wendy
Bold itaclics- Joy
Underline- Yeri


"Where is it?!" Seulgi was frantically looking around the room, throwing pillows and blankets everywhere. MinJae had just walked in and observed the scene. She looked at this horrible mess Seulgi made and didn't even know what she was looking for.

"Seulgi, what are you looking for?" To say MinJae was confused was an understatement. The room where she and Seulgi stayed was completely torn down.

"Unnie! Did you take my picture with me and my family in it? It was in the white picture frame I have, but now it's gone!" Seulgi practically yelled at MinJae. MinJae shook her head. "Maybe I can help you find it, did you take it out of our room?" Seulgi quickly shook her head. "The last time I took it out was when I went to show it to Sooyoung and Yeri, but they haven't seen it either, I also asked Joohyun and Wendy and they haven't seen it!" Seulgi was freaking out at this point, it made sense though, it was her favorite family photo.

Seulgi then said again, "Did you take it MinJae?!" And MinJae had to tell her no again. "Nobody else took it MinJae! That means you must've taken it from me!" Seulgi was shouting at this point. No doubt the other members would come in at this point. MinJae sighed.

"I didn't take it Seulgi, YOUR family photos are not that important enough for me to steal it from you."

"STOP LYING I KNOW YOU TOOK IT MINJAE!" Seulgi screamed. MinJae was taken back by the volume of her voice. MinJae rolled her eyes. The other members came rushing in. All worried looks of their faces.

"What's happening?!" Yeri said as she rushed in the room with Joohyun, Wendy, and Sooyoung. They all looked back and forth between MinJae and Seulgi.

"MinJae stole my family photo!!" Seulgi said with anger laced in her voice. MinJae was gonna say something until Seulgi got in her face and screamed. MinJae was now pissed off. She loves Seulgi with her entire body but now she was just being a brat and not letting MinJae explain.

"YOU NEED TO STOP YELLING. YOURE PISSING ME OFF AND I DIDNT TAKE YOUR PHOTO. I OFFERED TO HELP LOOK AND NOW YOURE ACTING LIKE A BRAT!" MinJae yelled back. Everyone was very surprised. MinJae almost never yelled at them and she never fought back with anyone of them in arguments. But MinJae was fed up with this. And MinJae did not have any tolerance for this type of thing. Then MinJae saw it. The goddamn family photo was sticking out of Seulgi's bag. How had Seulgi not thought to look there? That just made MinJae even more mad.

MinJae walked over to the bag, took the photo, shoved it in Seulgi's hands and walked out the door, slamming it as she left the dorm. MinJae wasn't mad, she just needed to cool of and give Seulgi at bit of time alone. MinJae only slammed the door to show she left and would be gone for a bit. But everyone else was completely shocked. They had never seen MinJae like that once in their life. Wendy, who knew MinJae the best said, "MinJae unnie isn't mad at you. Just take some time to think about what you did and then you can apologize when she comes back. Right now she just needs blow off some steam. Knowing her, she's probably mad at the fact that you yelled at her when she said no and then she found it. I don't think you should go to her now though, that wouldn't be good." Wendy said and Seulgi nodded. After that her and the rest of the members started to clean up the room. Seulgi was mad at herself. MinJae was like her sister and she made her mad at Seulgi for something that was Seulgi's fault and she didn't check. She just hoped MinJae would forgive her. She felt absolutely terrible for this.

MinJae's POV:

'I really can't believe Seulgi would yell at me for that. I won't blame her though, she thought she lost something important to her' I was so lost in thoughts I didn't even realize I was at my destination. I knocked on the door and thank god she answered it. She seemed kinda hesitant when I texted her but it's alright.

"Come in." She said before letting me inside. "You're supposed to hate me, what happened bunny, why're you letting me in now?" I said with a slight smirk as I walked in and sat down. The other girl rolled her eyes. She walked over to me and kissed me. We separated and the other girl said, "Shut up MinJae."


I don't even know what just happened myself, I don't even know what I wrote. All of this was confusing to me, the person who wrote:(

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