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(It stands for 'if MinJae was alive')

• She would've stayed in the industry for 5 more years before moving on to acting or being a vocal/dance teacher• She would've married Nayeon and adopted another pet (she had two dogs already

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• She would've stayed in the industry for 5 more years before moving on to acting or being a vocal/dance teacher
• She would've married Nayeon and adopted another pet (she had two dogs already. Seokie and Ruby. She would've adopted a cat next).
• She would've released the song she wrote for her best friend (I'll let y'all guess who was the best friend)
• MinJae would've adopted a kid
• MinJae would've gotten more tattoos
• MinJae would've streamed punch by nct (yes I did put that in there)


Hint for who is the best friend: 🧊/包子
(If anyone guesses it right then I'll actually write the lyrics)

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