Cute moments with the members pt.2

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MinJae saving Seulgi from NCT
(Seulgi teaching Taeyong the dance for power up and then Taeyong coming with all of his children kills me till this day🤣)

MinJae saving Seulgi from NCT(Seulgi teaching Taeyong the dance for power up and then Taeyong coming with all of his children kills me till this day🤣)

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MinJae walked into the room, seeing Seulgi sitting against the wall and almost all of NCT walking in, doing one of the dance moves from power up. MinJae burst out into laughter before walking over and picking Seulgi up. "All right Taeyong, thank you for coming in with all of your children." MinJae laughed out while putting Seulgi down in a different spot. Seulgi hugged MinJae's side as Taeyong laughed. "But MinJae noona, she taught me the dance!" Taeyong said. MinJae laughed and pat Taeyong's head. "But unfortunately, there's too many of you for our poor teddy bear." MinJae smiled.

MinJae babying Irene/Irene gushing over MinJae

MinJae had Irene on her lap while Seulgi was trying to do the splits

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MinJae had Irene on her lap while Seulgi was trying to do the splits. Everyone laughed seeing her fall down. Irene suddenly whispered into MinJae's ear, "Unnie, this dress is rising up too high." She said with a bit of nervousness in her voice. MinJae took off the blanket she had on her lap and wrapped it around Irene. MinJae then started bouncing her leg which also meant Irene was bouncing on her lap. MinJae had to get up moments later to test her flexibility. MinJae walked up and eased into the position for a perfect splits. Doni and Coni were shocked "woaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh" they said. MinJae then got out of the splits and laid on her stomach before bringing her legs up. She then touched her legs with her head. Irene looked so amazed. MinJae laughed and went back to her seat. "That was amazing unnie!" Irene said with stars in her eyes. MinJae laughed and tried to bring Irene on her lap again but Irene kept pushing her away. MinJae pouted and said, "My baby doesn't like me" with a sad face. Irene hit her shoulder.


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