NaJae's Past

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NaJae- Nayeon + MinJae
I'm sorry for these terrible ship names-
NaMin? I'll go now-
December 28th, 2016

It was very cold in Korea. MinJae was never the happiest camper when cold. She felt like her toes were practically popsicles by now and she was dying. So what did MinJae do? Call her best friends.

"I'm telling you Junmyeon, Minseok-ah, I'm gonna die out here before I make it to the JYP building!" MinJae threw her hands up in the air, exasperated at this point.

Minseok chuckled. "Why are you even going there anyway, Jae? It is really cold out and you decided you should go to the JYP building."  Junmyeon agreed on the other line.

"I like to go back there! I was a trainee there for a year! I also want to see my JYP babies." MinJae said with a pout. Junmyeon sighed. "You have children in our company too. Why don't you just go to the SM building and see your other children?" MinJae sighed once again. "I saw them a couple days ago, and I have most of their numbers. Besides I literally just got to the building." MinJae heard Junmyeon start going on a whole rant about how MinJae wasted his time and asking why his hyung isn't siding with him.

"Alright, I love you guys." MinJae hung up quickly, not want to hear Junmyeon go off anymore. She quickly walked into the JYP building, thanking the lord that the building was so warm. MinJae was going to start walking up and around but she saw Jinyoung (jYp oPpAr🥵🥴) walking to her. 'Thank god he came down here in time, I was not going to go up some stairs to just hear an old man blow my ear off about a new girl group that debuted a year ago and then ask me his opinion-' MinJae's thoughts were cut off when Jinyoung started speaking, "Do you want to see them?" MinJae looked confused. "Who?" Jinyoung shook his head, he knew MinJae wasn't listening.

"Twice!" MinJae assumed that was the new group. 'Dammit. I came here to see my children! Not you Jinyoung! Now I know I'm gonna be here for hours'
MinJae internally groaned. 'I should've listened to Junmyeon. Curse my amazing personality that makes me want to be friends with everyone!' MinJae nodded "Show me the way Jinyoung." Jinyoung looked back at her with a smile and started walking.

MinJae and Jinyoung were very close. MinJae was even a trainee here, but couldn't bring herself to call Jinyoung 'oppa'. Jinyoung absolutely ruined the word for her so she just didn't even think about calling him that. After walking for 5 minutes, MinJae groaned. 'I did not sign up for this walking. This is like hell on earth. I'm only gonna lay down when I get back to the dorms.' She thought as Jinyoung made an abrupt stop. MinJae heard music blasting through the door. She winced a bit.

"Here we are! I'll go in so you can introduce yourself. But they already know who you are." 'So much for introducing myself then' MinJae thought as Jinyoung opened the door and there were 9 girls in there. One of them turned the music off. "MinJae! This is the group I was telling you about! Twice!" He said with excitement in his voice. Jinyoung was very happy to have the girls meet MinJae. Jinyoung wanted MinJae to see how much the idols and company has changed. To be honest, Jinyoung was kinda hurt when MinJae left. He lost a great trainee when she left. MinJae is a vocal powerhouse and a complete dancing machine. She also could've been a great rapper, but that story is for another time.

MinJae's POV
A pretty girl walked up to me. They're all pretty though, so I guess it wouldn't make sense if I just call her pretty. "Hi unnie! I'm Park Jihyo! The leader of Twice!" I smiled warmly at her and shook her hand "Jung MinJae, but you probably know that." Jihyo really reminds me of Seulgi-ah. The rest of the girls introduced themselves.

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