imma make headcannons i agree with(AW) made(M) theorize(T), some are more than one
Firey sets off a smoke detector everytime he walks in a room (AW)
Baseball was depressed already up until Nickel came and made him happy (M)
Balloon is gay (AW)
Leafy and lightbulb are trans (AW)
Firey and coiny are gay for each other (AW/T)
Match is a terrible jumper (Made from fucking bfdia 5b sHe CaNt MaKe A sINGlE jUmP--)
Book is like a mother to icy (how is this a headcanon, past me-- its in the show--)
Icy is a rager but always looks adorable when she doesand gets mad if people say she looks cute (M)
When Firey gets mad, his flame gets all big and shit and turns blue in the middle, its really threatening (M/AW??)
Leafy only talks and acts friendly to people to fill the burnt hole Firey left in her soul (like me and my fucking eeeeeex (M/T) )
Coiny as ADHD (M)
maybe ill think of more idk
My shitty object cocainebook :/
De Todobasically a dump for my random stories, art and whatever. With alot of cursing and unfunny jokes just skip up like 30 or so chapters and that should be at least a little better, unless your reading standards are low and mephone4 and loser are gods t...