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When the bell rang all student's run to the canteen ,while the 5G's have walk normaly with  blank expression's on their face's.

All student's attention on them like they see a god passing by,the mean girl's roll their eye's seem irratedly.
After the 5G's choose the food they go back to their seat's

"So guyss ,what the loud on hallway earlier" joy said while munching the humburger .Alvey ,Apple and Aramie shared a look's and go back their attention to the food.

"Yeah guys,what happened earlier" keziah join their conversation. apple , alvey and Aramie shared the look's again
"Guyss ,are you a mute or what" keziah raise her eyebrow at them

"Uhmm its just a misunderstanding,Right guyss" Aramie said forcing to smile and turn two who silently laughing on what happened earlier.

"Right guyss" Aramie raise her eyebrow secretly at the two but  they busy laughing each other ignore her asking.

"RIGHT GUYSS" Aramie yelled at  them ,slam the table ,all students turn to her,she cleared her throat and smiled at them like nothing happened

"Right guyss" she sweetly said to the two ,who's now looking at her like a physicho ,she mouthed at them what the fuck .

"Right " they both replied ,Aramie  sigh and continue eating. joy and keziah nooded .

They busy eating ,suddenly  someone slam their table  ,all student's  attention on them.

"Ohh ,sorry it was an accident" Mae said with roll her eyes, her minion's laughing sarcastically."yeahh it was an accident"Anna hissed at them,laughing again.

"Maybe ,watch out next time ,we dont want to see the bitch dump" Aramie fired back at them,the 5G's laughing like there's no tomorrow.

"Yeahh" Alvey said and roll her eye's,make Anna blood boiling and about to replied back"ohh, Mae right? dont forget your underwear in shawn's car might be effected cause it NCOV."Aramie point her finger on Mae and smirk .

"You bitch ,maybe your the one  who might have effec-" Anna defense her friend but cut what her saying,Aramie whispered at her"remember when i said earlier"she froze on that word's.

"Were not finish yet" Mae yelled  with her eyes full of anger at them"lets go girls!" before walk away with her minions.

The 5G's shared the look's each other before  laughing like in most crazies in the whole universe   "guyss ,you see there face  it was like , you know they see a Penny wise or something that made a kid scared" Aramie joking on them and  laughing while holding her stomach some of them almost crying from laughing so hard.

"you see a mae face ,when i say her underwear might be effected cause it in NCOV ,she totally shock on herself " they laugh again ,but  they suddenly stopped from laughing when Keziah have a serious question.

"So Ara what you say to anna she provably froze at her spot" Keziah said with her face full of serious .

"uhmm its just ahh ,i say to her that maybe next time dont be a bitch because she countless suck the dic- ahh never mind"she lie to her ,keziah only nooded .after that full of silence in their table.

from a moment of silence someone break the earth.

"So guyss ,what's your next subject?" Apple ask with sipping her

"uhmm ,me is!hmmm let me see"joy replied while she check the schedule paper"ohh its PE"joy said to them while her eyes on  the schedule paper.

"Me too" Alvey,Aramie and keziah said there hand's up like a kid who wants to buy an ice cream.

"So we have the same huh?" Apple smirk at them and they only nooded with a smirk on their face.

"But what if we encountered that mean girls again" keziah said with close her eyes , her palm press together and pray ,after that she slowly open her eyes,she meet a blank stare's.

"What" she ask ,sipping her mango shake ."nothing because you always pray when it comes to Enemy"joy said ,keziah look at her confuse "because that's a protection or our gurdian angel save our life  " keziah explain to them,Alvey suddenly laugh ,all her members turn to her.

"What" she ask them while laughing"why are you laughing ,there's a funny I've said?"keziah ask with a blank face.

"Nope its just ,i remember earlier when we give them a Bir- gtfdswchfgfgf" Alvey cut her saying when a food push in her mouth,she look the person who did! its apple who smile innocently and look away.

"What are you talking about ?" keziah ask confusely ,alvey feel someone  kick her leg she look who it is ,she meet a Aramie a cold stare and mouthed lie to her . she nod

"I mean! i laugh because i saw a bird ,you know a flying bird might eat on the big one i think its eagle ,i dont know maybe uhmm" alvey tried to think but Aramie answer it.

"Its a owl" Aramie quickly said to them,they suddenly laugh at her word's
"Are you kidding? ,owl eating the small bird maybe a parrot" Joy said to them ,they laugh again"are you crazy!parrot as in parrot"Keziah ask while laughing.

"Ahh guys please stop this nonsense " apple said with pout.they laugh at her.

"You like a ugly cat" Aramie said to her, immitate her pouting .
"no!she's like a pouting ass " alvey add ,Apple roll her eyes at them.
"She's like a pouting bird you know angry bird turn to pout" joy add "thats a new!but this is fits in her  like a gorril-" keziah cut her said when apple slam the table very hard make them silent.

"Guyss,are you crazy ?" Apple with cold expression meet them ,They laugh at her  and high five each other's.

"Chill!,we just joking,right bitch" Alvey said to them ,they only nooded and give her a thumbs up.Apple calm herself .

"What are we doing on gym by the way?" Apple ask while rub her nose."we suck the dic-"Aramie meet a cold stare's"maybe we exercises u know !hehehe"she make a funny look ,give them a peace sign sorry!!

"What if they choose to us to sing !what we gonna sing or dance?"Alvey ask them " Maybe That bitch song"Aramie replied"that bitch"they said unison,give her a are you kidding look.

"Yeahh that bitch like *society  suck on your dick ,and since i got a pussy I'm a bitch ,i since you are dude yeah,you can tell the truth but i soon as i do im a bitch*" Aramie sing with her swag form.

"Yuck that so gross "Keziah said but the three only smirk .

when the bell rang,they got up from their seats to proceed their next subject .


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