Chapter 8 - One time

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After the last hour filled with lust and passion they laid close to each other panting. Riya looked satisfied at him. For a guy so boring he certainly proved himself different in bed. Riya had enjoyed her "date" to the fullest. It was too predictable that he would give in. All men were the same after all. It would have been too weird if he wanted something else. All of them wanted something quick and not something serious. Basically her work here was done. She was sure he saw it the same way. Riya began putting on her clothes. Rahul did the same.

"I have to go." Riya said.

"Go where? What about dinner?" Said Rahul very confused. He didn't understand where she was rushing off to after everything that had just happened.

"It was nice meeting you Rahul, but no hard feelings alright?"
Rahul looked like a sad, confused abandoned puppy. Riya actually felt a bit bad about leaving him behind this broken. But it's not like this was her first time. And everytime she left without any hard feelings. So why should this time be different?

"Wait you can't just leave." Rahul struggled to say while trying to process the situation. Riya looked at him for a second and tried to figure out the person standing in front of her.

"You didn't think this would be something serious did you?" She said while looking him up and down.

"What do you mean nothing serious? Such a step certainly is very serious!" He stated. Poor Rahul. His heart got crushed by her.

"Have you never done this tinder thing?"

"No - I apparently have not."

"Well I'm sorry then, you'll have to figure it out." She said while grabbing her things.

"Maybe we'll meet each other again in the future, goodbye." Riya left.
Rahul couldn't and didn't want to understand what was going on. He felt his absolute worst. Did he do something wrong. Did he overstep boundaries?
Why did he have to give in, in a moment of weakness? It went against all his beliefs! But after all she had started this all. So he would be the last person to blame right? Rahul felt used and disgusted. He didn't know how to handle this situation at all. He grabbed his phone and called his best friend.

Dude long time no hear, what have you been up to?

Look man, I'll go straight to the point!
Rahul sighed.

Alright go ahead I'll listen.

I met a girl on tinder.. Riya. We went on a date, she really seemed like a good person. Then second date I invited her over for dinner. One thing lead to another..
Rahul hesitated for a moment. Was this too much information sharing?

Go on I'm listening.

You get the picture. But afterwards she just left, is that normal?

Oh Rahul, brother you're too old fashioned! This is the most normal thing, everyone on tinder is looking for a hookup, nothing serious.

Saif I'm going to kill you man, why did you recommend me this app! You know it goes against everything I believe in!

Calm down, I wanted you to go out and not stay a loner, was that wrong?

Rahul angrily hung up. He couldn't deal with his annoying friend right now as well. He threw himself onto the couch and tried to set his mind straight. Would he ever see her again?

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