Chapter 32 - Lonely

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The next two day passed by fast. Riya was basically counting down the days where Rahul would return to her. Riya didn't even try to hide and decline her feelings anymore. As soon as he would return she would confess her feelings to him. Without him she feels empty and lonely. This week was way too long in her opinion. She constantly felt bored and as if something of her life was missing. Even if she didn't like to admit it that something was Rahul. It was not like she lost her independence because of him or anything. She just loved having him close to her. It was the first time Riya actually felt a strong connection towards a man. Usually it was just short term thing. But with Rahul she discovered something new and beautiful. Riya sent off her usual good morning text to him and went to make herself some breakfast.

Rahul as well missed Riya a lot. It was no secret that he loved her deeply. He loved everything about her. From her jealousy to smile, everything was perfect in his eyes. Even if they started off rough Rahul felt like everything was slowly falling in it's place. His day went on as usual planned with bunch of meetings yet his mind staying focused on Riya.

As Riya was eating breakfast she decided to call up her best friend Courtney and invite her over. Lucky for her she agreed and was soon after on her way to Riya. Riya carefully tidied the place and waited for her friend's arrival. It didn't take long for Courtney to arrive.

"Hey soon to be mother! I missed you so much!" Courtney greeted her as she carefully embraced Riya with a hug.

"I missed you too Court!" Riya smiled.
Both of them went inside and seated themselves on the couch catching up on their lives. Riya as well as Courtney had a lot to tell each other, since they hadn't seen each other in a very long time.

"Oh my god congratulations on you and Jay! I always knew you two would end up together!" Riya said excited for her best friends.

"Thank you girl! So tell me how are you and the baby daddy doing?" Courtney asked curiously. Riya blushed and dozed of thinking about Rahul once again.

"Well what can I say there's nothing going on between us, I think, but he's super sweet, caring and a real gentleman!" Riya explained with a big grin on her face.

"Oh my god!"


"I never in my life imagined you Riya going all mushy when falling in love."

"Yeah I have fallen in love you idiot." Riya laughed while playfully hitting Courtney's shoulder.

"That's so sweet."

"If you would just see him you would also fall in love, but don't!"

"Put back in those jealousy guns, no worry I already got someone!" Courtney giggled while Riya rolled her eyes. The two of them decided to watch a movie and drink some tea while having snacks. Later in the evening both of them went upstairs so Riya could show Courtney all the baby stuff.

"So when is the due date?"

"In a month."

"That's exciting isn't it?"

"It is, but I'm also very nervous." Riya confessed.

"Don't worry I'm sure everything will be just fine."
Their conversation was interrupted by Riya's phone ringing downstairs.

"Excuse me for a minute, I'll be right back."
Riya rushed out as she thought it could be Rahul who's phone call she didn't want to miss. As Riya rushed down the stairs she missed a step causing her to trip and fall down the stairs. Riya landed directly on her belly causing her immense pain. She let out a very loud screech frightening her friend.
Courtney ran out of the room to find Riya laying on the floor. She immediately ran downstairs to her friend.

"Riya what happened?!"
Riya couldn't reply she just held her belly in pain and cried. Courtney quickly grabbed her phone and dialed the emergency number calling for an ambulance. Courtney was glad she was there right on time, she couldn't imagine what would have happened if Riya was alone. Courtney took Riya's hand and held it trying to calm down her friend.

"Hang in there Riya! The ambulance is on it's way!"

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